Plantain South Indian Style

My Mum in law made this the other day and it was really really good, so heres the secret recipe!

  • 3 medium plantain
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 3 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • canola oil
  • mustard seeds a few
  • fennel seeds a few
  • curry leaves 4-5
  • masala powder 1 spoon
  • pinch of cumin
  1. remove the outside skin of the plantain and cut into 1/2 inch slices set side
  2. heat the oil and pop the mustard seeds and fennel, add the curry leaves
  3. then add the onion, and garlic and saute for 5 minutes, add the tomato, and reduce the heat down to a simmer.
  4. add turmeric, and masala powder, salt to taste and a 1/4 cup of water add plantain and cover for 7-10 minutes.
Its great with lemon rice, or in my opinion anything, I ate some with chicken!



  1. yes, I think it should be terrific with some rice. I would do it with a fragant jasmine or basmati, and I love the idea that is vegetarian!

  2. mmmm..this looks good.the family loves bananas...

  3. I love plantains. This would be a new way for me to cook with them. Awesome!!

  4. it's simple n tasty...never tried plaintain this .
    i make plaintain with skin on n will make this one too like that.

  5. Plantains are not commonly found around here.
    I remember seeing them for the first time at the supermarket during the Survivor reality show, because those "poor" (LOL) creatures on a desert island had only plantains to eat, and didn't even know what to do with them.
    I'm just curious about their taste, I've heard they are nothing like bananas, is it true?

  6. That looks great. I wonder if I can get plantains here. I am just glad I found the one and only Indian restaurant on the island. The owner is very nice and actually remembered our names when we came in the second time.

  7. I haven't had plantains since I was a kid, and would never have thought to curry them. They look delicious!

  8. This preparation for plantains sounds excellent, can't wait to try it!

  9. I was just thinking about plantains the other day. This recipe looks wonderful and I think baby girl will love it.

  10. Heidileon: yep both good choices of rice lol
    peackkins: me too
    Jenn: enjoy lol
    Sangeeta:you will love it
    Dajana: thats funny, when they are green they are very starchy more like a potato, i like them when going brown as they get sweeter
    Melinda: thats cool about the Indian restaurant!
    Sophie: give it a try
    Palidor: time to have them again maybe!
    5 star foodie: thanks

  11. I always just fry plantains. and serve as a side dish. This recipe is a great new way to cook plantains.

  12. I like this recipe very much. I have shied away from plaintains in cooking here - they are not common where I live - but that is not why. It is cause mostly they are fried tooooooo much in the recipes. This recipe you have given reminds me very much of my potato curry and which I just made the other day. I will post it soon but this is very very similar! Love it!

  13. Thanks for sharing the secret recipe! I bet it's delicious!

  14. Velva:you will love it
    Trish: pleased to help
    Reeni; thanks Rebecca

  15. I love plantain when we've had it in Jamaica. I've seen them here in Brazil at the market, but never on menus. I usually enjoy them fried, but this way of cooking them sounds wonderful!

  16. Lori give it a shot it will not disappoint lol

  17. Yum! I'll have to stop by the Latin market here and see if they have plantains in--this looks great!

  18. I love plantains...its so not fair. I have about 4 new plantain recipes to make - from cheese rolled to chocolate stuff to nutty and now yours. I grew up on the stuff but haven't had it in all the diversity I'm seeing in the blogosphere. Yummy. www kitchenbutterfly com

  19. ozoz:
    wow the chocolate recipe sounds great you will have to post it on your blog, Rebecca

  20. Ooooo this looks good! We had this at a restaurant one day, and I LOVED it. i never would've thought to make something sweet like plantains into something savory, but it was delicious! Of course, I was too chicken to try it on my own -- LOL. Maybe I'll try it now that you've shown us all how! Thanks Rebecca!

  21. I still have yet to try plantains! This looks really great!

  22. I love plantains!!!!That is a great dish.

  23. the reddy family thanks for commenting Connie, I am sure your version will be great you need to add recipes to your blog!
    the ungourmet you can add them to a wrap with chicken lol
    Erica: thanks so much

  24. I love plantains..looks so yummy!


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