Fruit is Found to be Even Better for Us..

Scientists in the UK, have found that with a new testing technique fruits such as apples, peaches and nectarines have more antioxidants in them than previously thought. 
The scientists state that 

"If non-extractable polyphenols are not considered, the levels of beneficial polyphenols such as proanthocyanidins, ellagic acid and catechin are substantially underestimated."
and I went to the dentist Dr Pinyan had a neat little acronym for FLOSS

F: floss first
L:length of floss 18-22 inch
O: start at one end of floss, wrap finger around your finger each time you go between the teeth
S: Slide the floss gently between the teeth
S: scrub gently in a C shape motion at or just below the gum line

She invented it at dental school and even has a little puppet with big teeth to demonstrate with, I thought it was neat so wanted to share with you. We are all guilty of not flossing enough,  but it really is so important to protect out teeth.


  1. Thanks for stopping by...I ate my apple today :)

  2. Hey! i'm follow you blog from .Blogcatalog

    Nice work on your blogs.
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  3. Guess I should go get myself and apple. Actually I have a LOT of plums in the house for some reason.

  4. susan: good for you, lol
    Amer: thanks for stopping by you are welcome and thanks so much for the comments
    Melinda RD: any fruit is good fellow RD lol

  5. Is about that time of the year again, going to pick up apples and dream about all the things apple related you will do.

    Thanks for that article about flossing.

    Every time I visit your blog and see the picture of the food over the table, I feel like grabbing a chair and sit around the table.

    Have a great day!

  6. The pictures in your blog made my mouth watering.... Good reciepes

  7. mely: come on over girlie love your cooking so want to go to mexico one day lol

  8. Viran: thanks so much for stopping by appreciate it

  9. Very cool! A great way to validate all the fruit I like to consume! LOL!

  10. Parita: good to know right
    Kelsey: way to go on the fruit

  11. I've been eating a ton of fruit!! Good to know.

  12. Oh yes fruit is so good for us and just so darn delicious too. I would usually have two or three pieces of fruit every day, I love it!


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