Food Habits Are More Important Than Most Important Obesity Risk Gene

Food Habits Are More Important Than Most Important Obesity Risk Gene

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The obesity Gene loads the gun, but what we eat pulls the trigger when it comes to obesity. This has now been shown in a study, so if you have the gene for obesity it doesn't need to make you overweight, you still have the choice about what you eat. This is positive news as its under your control, maybe not like other inherited conditions

Love Rebecca


  1. PEople need to realize this, instead of using "genes" as an excuse! IT hurts them, in a way, because they give up before they even try. Ya know? I love research!

  2. I hear you Gina, but honestly I can understand why folks do this, its such a battle to lose weight and mentally genes makes it a little easier to deal with. I think the study gives us hope though as we can choose the outcome not our genes, great to have ya back fellow RD!

  3. very healthy eating has no alternatives.
    but at the same time we should be able to accept our body type too....if a large frame person wants a celebrity figure with a petite frame , that is so unrealistic.......healthy weight is different for different body types, no!!

  4. I saw a friend this summer, that I hadn't seen for some 5 years. Whole his family is obese, he became so obese that he had a heart attack when he was 28. He wouldn't listen to anyone, his doctor, his wife. Then HE decided he needed to lose weight. And he did, in one year he lost 54 kg, simply switching to eating better, sticking to his meals (because he used to eat continuously), eating less bread, and drinking a lot of water. Isn't that a good example for everyone?

  5. There's so much news to keep up with regarding food. With research it's amazing what they learn. This is good news that if we control what we eat, we can control our weight.

  6. Sangeeta: i agree we come in all different shapes and sizes but we need to have a healthy BMI 20-25 (this takes account of both height and weight)
    Dajana: wow what a positive story
    Sam: well said lol

  7. Nice post Rebecca..My neighbour who is 9 yrs old is so obese,her weight is above 150,she eats always Mac donalds foods and pizzas..i weigh only 102lb ,c the difference..i totally blame her parents..wat to do...

  8. Vrinda: you have to quietly lead by example and take the kid healthy snacks, poor thing, she is set up for health problems later on lol

  9. I loved the article and you summarized is beautifully!

    Great post!


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