Social Media Tips

Here is a collection of my posts on Social Media Tips:


How to use Vine to grow your brand

  • Tips for using pinterest

    Tips for twitter chats-

    Tips for Facebook pages

    Tips for getting the most out of twitter-

    How to connect your facebook page for your business or blog to twitter-

    The power of the Hash Tag # to promote an event for your blog or business-

    How to add a you tube player to your site

    What's all this about @Klout my thoughts on Klout

    A Brief Introduction to QR (Quick Response) codes

    I hope these tips were useful to you if you would like more one on one help with social media I offer coaching, refer to the services page :-) - Rebecca

    If you like these tips check out my e book on 101 Social Media Tips for only $2.99

    and my social media app - Go Social in itunes 

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