Fructose Tied to Higher Blood Pressure: Study - ABC News

Fructose Tied to Higher Blood Pressure: Study - ABC News

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I Just had to share this article, something to bear in mind, when making dietary choices in particular high sugar soda's although the men in the study consumed high doses of fructose it was interesting that it raised blood pressure.
Try to drink more water and have soda as a treat, this will be used to support the soda tax I am sure!, I don't think taxing soda is the answer though, I think we need more reimbursement for dietitians and preventative care so when folks are ready to make lifestyle changes its free for them.

What are your thoughts on this?


  1. you have a nice can visit my blog view my recipes and give ur comments.

  2. Soda is no good for me any time,we need to make lifestyle changes ,make sensible choices :)

  3. Hey!
    Its so easy to switch to water. I used to drink like 7 bottles of soda a way in college. It made my skin ugly and added weight. One day i just decided to cut down on it...I never have touched soda in the last 3-4 years. Drinking water--just plain water is addictive :)
    BTW what's the recipe of that lovely thing on your blow title?

  4. Kitchen Queen: thanks so much will visit yours as well
    Yasmeen: true all in moderation
    Jhonny: great job, oh its vietnamese hotpot, in a restaurant, so good

  5. When are you going to post something like "Eating fast food makes you skinny and lowers your cholesterol"?? HA HA I love it here, seriously (I think you know that) and I do always learn something new - and of course see foods I've never even heard of. LOVE it!

  6. Hiee.... I am first time here...

    Just loved your blog header. You have a neat space...
    Do sneak a peek in my blog when time permits & drop in your valuable comments...

  7. the imperfect housewife: you crack me up and thanks so very much, everything in moderation lOL
    Sandhya: thanks for stopping by on my way to yours

  8. I write about Fresh, Local and Best and feel a bit hypocritical because I love diet coke. I don't drink it often, and to Rebecca's point, everything in moderation.


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