Your Daily Workout can Decrease Your Risk of Cancer

A Finnish study with 2, 560 men aged between 42-62 followed for an average of 16 years. Found that those who did moderate to intense activity for 30 min per day had 50% less chance of developing cancer. 

Another great reason to get 30 min of activity every day.

I personally like to go for a walk everyday and do stretching while playing with Jasmine on the floor, and recently she is starting to dance, so I will be dancing with her!



  1. hey complete new layout......
    I wonder whether you exercise daily or not...:-)

    Angie's Recipes

  2. I'm the type of person who knows I should exercise more.

  3. hummingbird; you can do it, any little amount helps i'll cheer you on lol

  4. Hi Rebecca! I have NO excuse not to exercise - my husband takes our one dog out every night for a jog/walk and he said he'd go as slow or as fast as I want him to so I can keep up. Why can't I decrease my risk of cancer by eating Oreos???? I want that diet!! :) You take care ~

  5. The Imperfect House Wife: Bless ya, eat the oreo while walking! lol rebecca

  6. Rebecca, thanks for posting!By the way, did you read my last posting which was about "Why Women In China Do Not Get Breast Cancer!"?

  7. Our bodies were meant to move. Muscles need oxygen and get it from exercise. If you don't develop this habit early on, it is much harder later in life to start. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

  8. my little space: will check it out
    Judy: well said lol

  9. I feel so much better when I exercise. Otherwise I have no energy.

  10. Reeni: I agree, just came back from my walkies
    Vicki: yep


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