Watermelon Smoothie

So one last watermelon recipe, simply blend with a little plain yogurt and enjoy, so simple, sweet and healthy.

We had friends over for dinner, I made Chinese broccoli (recipe on my archives), Asian style asparagus (also archived) with mashed spuds with cilantro and fresh market rotisserie chicken, it went down very well. For dessert we had key lime meringue lovely, if you have a fresh market near by its on special he he!


  1. Refreshing on a hot warm day. Smoothies are the best.

  2. How simple and great. I make a lot of smoothies but I never would have thought to put watermelon with yogurt to make it nice and creamy. It looks delicious.

  3. Oh, how yummy this looks! My 3 year old calls the leftover water mellon juice "water mellon soup". This smoothie looks fabulous!

  4. So simple but sounds delicious and very refreshing!

  5. I love watermelon juice! I have to try the smoothie, sounds delicious.

  6. My husband absolutely loves smoothies and watermelon would be perfect for a hot summer day!

    By the way...I really was focused on how wonderful the picture of your smoothie looked, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely envious of your countertops! :)

  7. Jenn: I know they rock
    Deb: it worked really well you will,love it
    Dana: thats so cute
    Ruth you also deserve it
    Erica: you will like it
    Rachel : l love them to my countertops I am blessed to have them LOL

  8. Very refreshing smoothie...perfect for this hot summer

  9. a watermelon smoothie sounds really good and so easy.
    your dinner plate looks delicious! :)

  10. Watermelon!!!I'm having it almost everyday, ha ha! Cheeky ME!Just love this kind of juicy fruit.

  11. It sounds like a great meal. As to the watermelon...never say never or absolutely the last time. It just doesn't work that way :-).

  12. Vrinda: too true
    Sunny: thanks
    my little space: enjoy
    Mary your right!!
    Girlichef: thanks

  13. A watermelon smoothie sounds delightful!

  14. My husband and I have a smoothie almost every day - so healthy and refreshing! This looks like a great recipe. I will be bookmarking it!

  15. yuuum!! watermelon and yogurt sound great together! love smoothies in the summer :)

  16. Loving this smoothie! Sounds refreshing too.

  17. That smoothie looks delicious! And so does your dinner - such a pretty plate!

  18. haven't tried watermelon and yogurt..but it looks good..

  19. Steph: thanks
    5 star foodie thanks
    finsmom: sounds good daily, i wish i had made more smoothies in the past
    Sarah yep perfect for warm weather
    The epicurean's market: thanks for visiting love your blog
    Reeni got the plate in Target
    Peachkin: it was so good, Rebecca

  20. Super refreshing and HEALTHY! Great smoothie...and I am one major smoothie adorer! :-)

  21. smoothie looks delicious & easy to make. Perfect for these summer days

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  22. Hannah: I know they are soo good
    Trupti thanks for stopping by

  23. I love this idea for a smoothie. Watermelon with yogurt. I will have to try it. A watermelon just disappears in our house. My kids cant get enough of it.

  24. Lori: my baby daughter likes it too, I beat you get a lot where you are

  25. can't wait to try this! on my ventures out today, I plan to stop and pick up a watermelon! Thanks for stopping by my site, I am not British, but I do enjoy a good cup of tea every afternoon!

  26. Chef Shari thanks for stopping by yep can't beat an afternoon cuppa with cake he he

  27. Never had a watermelon smoothie! Wow, I'm going to try this!

  28. Love your blog and really enjoyed the watermelon smoothie post.

    We make a lot of smoothies at home, too. They can be so healthy.

    I made smoothies with yoghurt for extra heft: http://inthekitchenwitheva-eva.blogspot.com/2010/06/yogurt.html

    Keep up the great work on your blog!



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