Mum's Banana and Walnut Cake

My Mum made a banana and walnut cake and a chocolate cake last night yummy, and she kindly shared the recipe.
They were due to leave today but their flight from Greensboro to Newark was cancelled due to bad weather in New York so we have enjoyed another evening together. On the way home we went to the farmers market then made home made tomato soup, with cauliflower cheese and macaroni. 
So tomorrow will be very quiet and a wee bit lonely......, but in a few weeks my hubby's parents are coming from India so will get Indian recipes from my mom in law, but for now I will enjoy my British cakes he he

Banana and Walnut Cake

9” tin

5 oz of Butter

5 oz sugar

3 eggs

 8 oz self raising flour

1. Cream butter and sugar together

3. Add 3 eggs and beat well

4. Mash 1 ½ or 2 bananas

5. Add 3 oz of walnuts and raisins plus banana to mixture and mix

6. Fold in by hand 8 oz of Self Raising Flour

It may need a little milk to keep it fairly fluid


Cook in 350 oven for about 30 mins the cake will be dry on the top and a serrated knife will come out clean.


Love Mum


  1. Bananas and nuts are a great combo. Thanks to your mum.

  2. I love banana cakes!

  3. Sounds delectable! I love walnuts, and bread, and sugar, great combo!

  4. Nice to have an extra night. Your dinner sounds yummy and your Mum's banana cake looks delicious!

  5. Hi Rebecca, this Banana & Walnut cake has all the ingredients I love^^, bravo!

  6. Sounds wonderful! Glad you got an extra night together.

    I look forward to the Indian recipes too.

    Safe travels to your parents!

  7. Love banana and walnuts together...reminds me of coming home from school as a kid and fresh banana bread coming out of the oven...Mmmmmmmm!
    Looking forward to those Indian recipes!

  8. Lovely. Ironically I just made a bana bread too. But without walnuts. That's awesome that you used your mom's recipe, too.

  9. I LOVE anything with walnuts! Looks delicious!

  10. my mom makes banana bread with walnut all the time!

    Can't wait for those Indian recipe's

  11. Well, this sounds fantastic. Bananas are one of my favorite things to bake with!

  12. I love all the ingredients!!!Sounds delicious.
    Thank you mom for the wonderful recipe.

  13. Yummy cake and great combo...

  14. What a lovely cake. The combination of bananas and walnuts is hard to beat.

  15. oooh, i have almost all the ingredients to make this right now! looks great!!

  16. Denise: will tell her
    Hummingbird appetite: me too he he
    Gina: will send you some
    Deb: was fun to have extra night will called it a bonus day!
    Kenny: thanks
    Krista: will tell them
    Hannah: what a sweet mom you must have
    jenn: thats cool
    Dana: thanks
    Peachkins: must be international he he
    Donna: they make it naturally sweet
    Erica: will thank her
    Vrinda: thanks
    Mary was nice not much left now though!
    Sunny: thanks


  17. Thanks for sharing your Mom's recipe! Those are the best ones!

  18. I've never tried banana and walnut. Sounds delish!

  19. So cool-I love getting pampered by my mom too :)

  20. I love bananas & walnuts together...sound fabulous :)


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