Spicy Vietnamese Noodles with shrimp

So I got these noodles in the Vietnamese store and a jar of chili, garlic paste. So I stir fried broccoli, cauliflower, scrimp, red and orange peppers, red onion and mushrooms together. Added ginger garlic paste and a little soy sauce and took out some for Jasmine. Then I added a couple of spoons of the lovely spicy paste.

In the meantime I boiled the rice noodles, chopped up little Jasmines and then added the rest to the vegetables. Dinner was served!

This is Jasmines dinner and the cute bib, bowl and cup we got in Ikea last week, she loved this.

 I always remember the first time we went to the Vietnamese restaurant in Greensboro the little old Grandma there gave Jasmine a bowl of chopped rice noodles so I figured it makes a good baby food.



  1. This sounds so very flavorful, delicious, and healthy. Id love to try a bowl.

  2. Jasmine likes the noodle and her new bowl as well???

  3. The noodles look very tasty....haven't tried those noodles for long...I like to cook them in soup.

    Angie's Recipes

  4. This looks good and delicious!

  5. I love shrimp recipes! Yours looks fantastic.

  6. all of those flavors sound amazing.

  7. Donna: theres one here if you want one!
    My little Space: yep she loved them
    Angie: oh yep great in soup as well
    Anncoo: thanks
    Erica: thanks
    Rebecca; thanks


  8. Sounds like a perfect weeknight meal.
    Super cute frog dishes.

  9. This sounds spicy and so delicious!

  10. Olga: I know so cute
    Steph: thanks
    Reeni: thanks

  11. mmmm I love noodle-y dishes! That bowl is too cute :) Wishing I could borrow your road bike, they are pricey, yikes! lol

  12. I had Vietnamese noodles at a Paris restuarant two days ago. They were delicious - and so look yours. I promise I will try your recipe - love any kind of noodles!

  13. I love these kind of noodles. THey have so been calling my name.

  14. Kristen: I know shame you can't
    a world in a pan: thanks vietnamese food is so good isn't it
    Lori: give it a try


  15. Yum, yum -- sounds tasty! The jar of chili garlic paste is a staple in our house. :) ~Mina

  16. This is my kind of dinner, lots of veggies, noodles and shrimp. Yumm.

  17. Mina: I know and chii sauce he he
    Judy: thanks, will save ya some!

  18. lol, wow I never thought those noodles would be considered baby food. Vietnamese people would never give that to a baby. How old is Jasmine?

    I have a very delicious recipe/way of making/eating those noodles. If you'd like, I'd share it.

    Also, thanks for stopping by my blog. Cheers!

  19. I am all that I am: oh shes nearly a year and hers was just chopped noodles and veggies no spices don't worry would love the recipe though Rebecca


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