A British Tradition!: Beans on Toast

Heinz baked beans on toast is huge back home in the UK, often a light snack meal at home or in cafe's and pubs around the country. This was Jasmines first beans on toast and she liked it. The British version of baked beans has no meat or cheese in it I much prefer them, but its all about what you were brought up on LOL

They are high in fiber and taste so good, I got mine in Fresh Market, I have also seen them in World Market so why not give them a try for something different.

Oh and good news for fish lovers a recent study in 15,000 folks over 65 years found that the more fish they ate the lower their risk of dementia!, I have been eating  a lot more lately after starting to do the seafood blog he he


Hope you all have a super friday of to the park to walk!


  1. Adorable!!!! The bean can looks so retro for some reason to me. love it :)

  2. I stumbled upon your blog. I am open to new food ideas....hmmm, I'll have to think about beans on toast! But I am glad about the fish and dementia report. Maybe there is hope for me! :)

  3. Hi! I have just found out your blog. And I have never tought of eating baked beans on toasts, it has to be soooo good... I have to try them out!!! Have a good weekend, Liz.

  4. Rebecca, your cutie pie is so adorable!!! I love her!

  5. Steph: I know cool can right!
    Susan thanks for stopping by always good to try new stuff will look at your bog also LOL
    Liz: its good trust me LOL

  6. I've never had beans on toast! Next time I have toast I'm breaking out the beans!

  7. My little Space; still waiting for your jungle pics, isn't she cute !
    Reeni: he he love its great that your trying it
    Sweta: I bet he would oh sometimes, Indian stores also carry British stuff, so many Indians in the UK right LOL


  8. cutie!!! I`m gonna try this. I hope my son will like it too!

  9. Jasmine certainly looks like she's enjoying her first baked beans experience! I love beans on toast for a quick lunch when I'm by myself, but I hate them with anything else. Honestly, if I'm in a cafe and the person next to me is having a fry up with beans on it it makes me feel ill. Weird, huh?

  10. that sounds wonderful, I always love topping burgers with beans so the bread soaks up all the goodness :) Oh and I forgot to add that I wish fish was cheaper, but canned salmon fits the bill for me :)

  11. marya: I am sure he will LOL
    Kristin: I hear ya on the salmon
    Likedspoon; I know great on its on but with a fry up full of fat !

  12. Too bad swimming in the ocean does not count for dementia as it is way more fun then eating the cute fish:) Now the beans on toast were served by my Dad's Mom who was from BG. I love that combo:)

  13. Very Adorable!!! The beans looks so yummmy ! I will try :)

    Thanks for sharing your recipe:)

    and if you can visit me I can visit you:) Join post your comments.

    Have a wonderful Day ~

  14. Baked beans is my staple food, haha, been eating it since very young, hahaha. Nostalgia!!!

  15. Absolutely love baked beans. My current fav recipe is baked beans with minced!

  16. Joyce: swimming sounds fun tough enjoy
    foodcreate: thanks, enjoy
    kenny: thats cool I guess us Brits introduced them he he
    pigpigscorner: you will have to post it lol

  17. Beans on toast, huh? I'm game...

  18. Hey I have never heard of beans on toast, I like it! How cute is that. She is having a blast.

  19. Baked beans on toast. I never would have thought of it, but it sounds pretty good. The pictures are adorable.

  20. Lori: give it a shot
    Carol: thanks for stopping by you have a neat blog, oh thanks isn't she cute lol

  21. Interesting! I've never tried beans on toast before.

  22. Beans on toast is a new one on me. My hubby spent 11 years in St. Lucia with a lot of
    Brits and he never heard of it. It must be a well-kept secret, but it is a great idea.

  23. Heinz baked beans taste truly good...this looks just British!

    Angie's Recipes

  24. judy: thats fun maybe they couldn't buy them there? you need to visit the UK and eat em he he love Rebecca
    hummingbird: its so good
    Angie: can you get them in Germany?

  25. WOW..ok baked beans and me go WAY back. When I was little, I remember one evening I wouldnt eat my beans. So my Dad shoved them up my nose! Um-huh..you heard me right, he shoved them up my nose! So you can understand why you will NEVER see a can in my house! LOL
    Thanks for your comment on my writing. I really didnt think I even had a "style", I just write as I speak. Goofy I suppose!

  26. Leslie: wow I can't believe he did that poor little thing my dad told me once If I don't finish my dinner I will have it the next day for breakfast!


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