Top Reasons To Drink More Water

Sometimes we need a little reminder why we need to drink water

  • 2/3 of our body weight is water
  • water is our bodies natural lubricant
  • water helps to create saliva and joint fluid
  • its vital in our bodies regulation of temperature
  • helps prevent constipation
  • It prevents dehydration


  1. Cheers! We are blessed in my hometown to have water that has been rated as some of the best in the country. I drink water and really like it - no need for fruits or flavoring. I have some friends who think I'm a little nuts for drinkins something with no taste. It's so refreshing.
    Happy Twirls

  2. thanks so much for visiting, my blog I love to drink plain water as well, but I use a Brita filter, my parents live in Scotland the water is really good there lol

  3. As simple as that is, I seriously need to be reminded of that! My two daughters (17 & 19) always have water with them or next to them - glass or bottle and they didn't get that from me, so I'm so happy they drink as much as they do. I need to be a better example but I also really need to just do it for me. Thanks, girl ~ ♥

  4. I needed that reminder! Especially when I am reaching for a Diet Coke and what I really need is water.

  5. the imperfect housewife: your girls are doing great, I find taking it in the car helps,
    Vrinda: no problems

  6. water is always good.

  7. Yes, I know, and I drink plenty of plain filtered water!

  8. hummingbird; yep
    a world in pan: same as me lol

  9. I've finally convinced my husband to stop drinking Coke regularly with his meals. Now there's only water at our dinner table... and half a glass of wine, it's good for heart. Yeah!

  10. Water's the only thing I really drink. I gave up soda a couple years ago. Once in a while I'll have a coffee and maybe some tea, but it's water all the way for me.

  11. Dajana: thats great both are good choices lol
    Jenn: great job


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