The Seafood Restaurant: St Andrews Scotland

Heres a little treat for us all to dream of being here with my Mum, Dad and Bro, I missed it Sob Sob. They all went out to celebrate birthdays, and I asked them to take pictures of the food!....

The Seafood Restaurant St Andrews

My Mum and Dad, back home in Scotland, I will going here next time I am there LOL
The Restaurant, look at the view!


Panna Cotta

Scottish Salmon

Oh lets all book our flights!


  1. Very nice! I hope you will get to celebrate with them next year.

  2. Oh boy-what a spectacular place!!I'm sure you can get a glimpse of the loch ness monster from there ;-)
    Count me in with Kenny!!

  3. Yippee! I went to St. Andrews for a semester in Scotland and LOVE everything about that place. Three cheers for St. A's!

  4. A great day! Delicious dishes and dessert!

  5. Kenny: sure thing
    Palidor: yep me too lol
    Sweta" its a long way from the ocean but why not!, come on lets all go!
    Kelsey: thats cool my parents live nr there and I grew up in Fife

  6. I'm game! What a gorgeous place! And delicious eats - so fresh and healthy looking.

  7. It all looks so terrific! What is in Scottish Salmon?

  8. Reeni: I know my Mum and Dad have good taste lol, lets ll go food bloggers meeting!
    The Ungourmet: oh I just mean Salmon from Scotland, not sure the exact meal as i wasn't there sob sob!

  9. OMG..that building in the background is amazing!!!!!

  10. Wow, fantastic view! I'm so sorry that you can't join them! What a pity! Maybe next time, Rebecca.

  11. What a beautiful meal and a gorgeous setting for a birthday dinner. Hope to visit Scotland someday.

  12. I could eat every bit of each dish!

  13. Leslie: I know
    My little space: yep next time lol
    Sophie: yumm
    Cathy: you will love it
    Humming bird: I know, looks lovely doesn't it

  14. lovely place in beautiful country.......the food is so tempting....i know how you feel...

  15. Sangeeta: Looks great doesn't it, just posted your guest post, hope its OK lol rebecca

  16. I really want that panna cotta--yum!

  17. Sounds good to me! I would so love to visit Scotland!

  18. Deb" me to lol
    5 star foodie: you would love it I grew up there

  19. How lovely that they took pics of the food for you, mine would be too embarrassed! That salmon looks wonderful!

  20. OMG - imagine that, the food looks almost the same lol! My parents went there a lot and the one in St Monance, but my Dad died 5 years ago and they haven't been as often. It was my first time of eating there, it was fantastic.


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