Nutella and Fruit Crepes

The lovely and talented Paula of
is holding a Nutella challenge where by you simply post a Nutella recipe every month, so here's mine. She made Gelato Nutella how cool is that, check out the Nutella Challenge Blogroll there will be some fab ones I am sure.

In the UK we grew up eating Nutella in fact its popular all over Europe I remember being a in Germany a few years ago and taking little containers of Nutella and wasa crackers for snacks during the day. 
But I think the best place in the world to enjoy it is in Crepes on the Streets of Paris, I hope you can all do this one day LOL.

For the Crepes: mix about 1- 2 cups of all purpose flour with 2 eggs and milk until you get a thin consistency.

Then add any desired fruit and nutella, heavenly.


  1. Rebecca I love Crepes! & how much better are they with Nutella! Brava

  2. Rebecca, the crepes look so yummy especially with all those yummy fruits & Nutella!Love it! I'm sure Jasmine loves it too.

  3. I love crepes and I love everything u put inside the crepe, delish!

  4. There is a little crepe place on Maui that makes a wonderful Nutella crepe. These look even better!

  5. Crepes with nutella are delicious! I've had those with banana before and really like them!

  6. Rebecca,
    I love, love and love crepes.... and with nutella. Fantastic idea!

  7. I've been craving crepes! those look wonderful and nutella?! must buy some now! lol that stuff is amazing :)

  8. Paula: thanks, and thanks for suggesting I join the Challenge
    My little Space: oh yeah she likes it
    Kenny: he he want one?
    Deb: oh Maui is a cool place to eat crepes
    5 star foodie: banana is my staple one lol
    Erica: thanks

  9. I just bought Nutella last Friday, I haven't had it in years! I'm definately doing this with the fresh fruit I have :o)

  10. Seriously, Nutella is my favorite food group. I love this recipe for crepes, it reminds me of eating them on the streets of Paris!

  11. Kelsey B: I know I adore Paris, I don't think you can get think in NYC just kebabs and hotdogs right?

  12. Those look so delish. Nutella with fresh fruit - excellent combo.

  13. DELICIOUS!!!! You're making me miss Paris!


  14. I love crepes and the one in your post looks delish! This dish is on my soon to try list now:)

  15. My 10 yr old and 8 yr old take Nutella and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch almost everyday. They would love these for breakfast!

    Thanks for sharing!


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