Summer Veggies with Herbs de Provence

I made this the other day, with fresh garlic, onions, squash, red onion, tomatoes, leeks, peppers and herbs de provence (with thyme, marjoram, rosemary, basil, fennel, sage and lavender) lovely it had a ratatouille flavour to it. little Jasmine loves squash so try and make it often.

Oh and I mailed my check to get a share in a local organic farm (CSA- Community Supported Agriculture) I collect my first box on thursday how exciting. I read so many food bloggers who do this and it really inspired me, fresh local produce, can't get better than that.
 I am also hoping it saves money on my grocery bill as it equates to $28 a week, not bad. 

Oh and heres a link to my hubby's recipe for South Indian Fish fry yummy:



  1. The South Indian fish fry is an all time favourite-you can probably try out tandoori fish and do a post on that :-)

  2. I like herbs de provence...
    The summer vegetables look yummy.

    Angie's Recipes

  3. I simmer summer veggies like this too but never thought of adding herbs de provence--need to keep this in mind next time. Thanks.

  4. Sounds like a delicious, summery mix!

  5. my little space: thanks
    Sweta: oh do you have any fish recipes on your blog I can feature them LOL
    Angie: lovely isnt it, oh love provence
    Momgateway:oh you will like it
    Lisa: was nice

  6. That sounds easy to make and delicious!

  7. I just love herbs de provence. This would be very good!

  8. Erica: yep don't you love quick and easy
    Lori: oh provence, we all need to go there lol

  9. Your summer veggies sound so yummy! And good for you for getting a CSA - can't wait to see what you get!

  10. I make something like this as well. I will have to add herbs de provence next time.

  11. Hi Rebecca,

    Thanks for the encouraging comments on my blog. I love herbs de provence, will definitely try this recipe.

  12. Reeni: will post pictures
    Sara: you will like it
    Anju: no problem

  13. I think there's one fish recipe-a tuna burji(scrambled tuna).

  14. This is a great idea to use our summer gems.I am enjoying vegetables because of dishes like this one.


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