Charlotte Eats: Brio Tuscan Grill

Our little family went to Charlotte today we ate in Brio Tuscan Grill near South Park Mall, an up and coming area of Charlotte, with great shopping, lovely new apartments and townhouses. This is a chain restaurant, I mostly prefer family run places, but all in all the food is good and you can sit outside near a fountain and slowly enjoy a leisurely lunch in a lovely setting. Its also very baby friendly a big plus for us. I had Omelette with veggies and feta cheese, it came with fresh fruit and sauteed potatoes, it was very nice.

Hubby had trout and sauteed veggies then for dessert we had creme brulee and tiramisu which are served in little cups, very cute. No pictures as I forgot didn't last long especially with little Jasmine there!
We then went to the Mall and got a lovely dress for her first birthday on the 22nd!
If your in the South park Area I recommend Tuscana a lovely Authentic Italian with homemade pasta's but only open for dinner in the evenings. In fact we ate there the night we found out we were pregnant. 
Also Barringtons is wonderful and M5. Charlotte has wonderful places to eat, hence the reason we love going there.
Here's to good food and time with family

Trout with seasoned vegetables


Oh and Jasmine sat and ate in her Highchair, what a treat, she loves eating out and tries most things, her favourite was the Tiramisu LOL


  1. Looks like your princess is happy with the choice with the restaurant! I would probably order the fish too, it looks very delicious with a bed of vegetables.
    Angie's Recipes

  2. p.s. Today I was wondering why you haven't updated for I clicked the blog I followed, phew, again told me the blog I followed not I first deleted your old blog from "follower" and just refollowed your new one.....

  3. What a wonderful family time out! And your orders sure look scrumptious!

  4. Oh my gosh, that omelette looks heavenly! :D

  5. What a great day! I think Jasmine enjoyed it as well....go eating, shopping, looking around...I'm sure she's so excited and tired by the end of the day! ha ha. And you, too!

  6. all yummy stuff. they indeed look very delicious!!!

  7. Angie: hope it work for you, she had fun and sept till 7am instead of 6am he he nice for me!
    TrisH: we all need to it once in a while LOL
    the Ungourmet: it was soo good lol
    my little space: a bit tired but fun so no worries
    prodigal son 35: thanks, nice to have you visiting

  8. The trout looks delicious!!!! Trout is one of the most popular fish in Colombia.
    Jasmine is beautiful.

  9. How lovely!! Your food looks delicious and it sounds like a friendly place :)

  10. How I miss going to Charlotte and the Mall. Used to go there 3x/year on business trips. So many restaurants to choose from.

  11. I will need to check it out when I am there in January. Sounds great!

  12. Looks wonderful! My mom lives in Mooresville, so when I go visit we'll have to check that out :) such a cutie!

  13. Lovely lunch! I'm sure you had a great time with the delicious looking food and little Jasmine. Sometimes its nice to go out and have lunch.

  14. my what a tasty treat! and Jasmine is so adorable!

  15. What a fun day out and yummy food! I can't wait to see Jasmine in her birthday dress!

  16. Erica:thanks oh will have to get some trout recipes from you its my fav in fact NC has great trout
    girlichef: it was fun, thanks
    hummingbird; yep
    Judy: your not too far away right, great city I agree
    C.G oh your will love it feel free to email me for tips when you come lol
    Kristin: u will love that area of the city
    peachkins: your right it was goof family time, we needed it my hubby works too much lol
    the epicureans market: thanks
    Reeni: thanks will post birthday pics


  17. The omelette looks yummy, sounds like a nice outing!

  18. I totally agree about trying to avoid chains. You guys look so cute in the pic!!!!

  19. The tiramisu is my favorite too. She already has a discriminating palette!


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