Award and The Giving of Awards

I got the kreativ blogger award from Laura of a world in a pan 
I love her blog she is an American married to a French man living in Paris and if you read her post she is truly a world traveler you will really enjoy her blog.
I have gotten this a couple of times and shared things about me and I pretty much do that all the time LOL
I want to pass it along to a few new blogs I have started to read
and I want to give Laura this award, oh I love blogging you make new friends from around the globe 


  1. Congrats on your award! I'll definitely check out Laura's blog.

  2. thanks Palidor
    Lori: you will love it as a fellow traveler lol

  3. Congratulations!! I really enjoy your blog.

    Thank you so much for recognizing my blog. That really meant a lot to me!!!!

  4. Meeting other blogs is fun, then you get to see exactly how their blogs do express their 'real' persona!

    I will be gone to VA till Sept 13th, but if you would like I would love to meet you too! Hoboken is only a path train from the world trade center, and maybe other locations...

    I also have some catching up to do on here I see...some yummy food!

  5. Woo hoo! Congrats on your award and thank you very much for passing on the love by recognising my blog! I shall now check out the other recipients' blogs! x

  6. Congratulations on the award !!! Keep rocking.

  7. Velva: my pleasure I love giving worthy awards lol
    Chef E; thats cool will email ya with details love rebecca
    Michelloui: oh i love your blog as u are the reverse of me hehe
    Faiza thanks lol

  8. Congrats on your award and to your awardees!

  9. Congrats Rebecca,keep rocking...

  10. My first award! *blushes* I have to admit though, I'm not really sure what I have to do now as I haven't come across awards me out? *blushes more*

  11. Rebecca, Thanks so much for passing this award on to me. I cherish each and every award I receive and I've enjoyed following your blog.


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