Goodies Fresh From the Farm

So after reading about CSA (community supported agriculture) or A food guild on other food blogs I decided I should sign up. There's a little icon on the left hand side of the blog, to locate yours.
I joined a share for the rest of the summer at a local farm called Sanders Ridge organic farm, it also has a winery 
in Booneville NC, and I can pick up the veggies on thursday at my local whole foods, how cool is that!
So today I got tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, green beans and squash. My Mum and Dad in Law are coming from India tomorrow, I know she will love it, so we will look forward to what we can make together.

It works out to be $28 a week so not bad. 

Is anyone else going this tell us about your experience....

Oh and fellow friends and food bloggers  there's a new site
where you can list your blogs and find great recipes, looks like a great site done by one of the founders of blog catalog.



  1. The vegetables look great! I love getting fresh ingredients from a farm. I'd like to sign up for a CSA, but my husband and I work a lot and I'm afraid most of the food would go bad. So, I just buy what I need.

  2. You are so lucky to live in the western part of NC where organic veggies abound and wonderful grass-fed beef and pork and free-range chickens. We in the east have all that, but without competition. My son lives in Asheville (17 farmers markets and 135 independent restaurants, and the best food just about anywhere)and he's always telling me about the wonderful organic and natural foods available there.

  3. hummingbird: oh I understand
    Judy : I am lucky, wow Asheville rocks lol

  4. Beautiful veggies! I love my box--although it doesn't have quite the variety of yours. It forces me to be creative and it is a good deal for organic, local produce here.

  5. Oh yumm!!! Aren't CSA's great!! This is something that I would actually like to do in the future :)

  6. deb: yep It will make me more creative I agree
    Diana: its cool, I think

  7. what a great idea, they look wonderful! I wonder if they have something like that in Vegas? I wish the growing season was better here. Have a great weekend :)

  8. Wow, fresh organic veggies at $28 a week is so cool! This amount of money cannot even buy organic veggies for a day's meal in HK.

  9. Joining a CSA is a great idea! I wish more folks supported their local farmers.

    Enjoy your time with your in-laws!

  10. kristin; oh I guess its tough in a desert
    kenny: wow expensive
    Velva: i agree and thanks so much


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