Potato and Leek Soup and Never Give Up!

I made this soup the other day, its a classic soup in the UK and I added leftover turkey and ham from thanksgiving, it was delicious, healthy and quick to make. Leeks are wonderful and so under used.


  • 2 big leeks
  • 3 potatoes, chopped into very thin slices, I also used a sweet potato
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • one liter of vegetable or chicken stock
  • Italian herbs
  • left over meat of choice- optional
  1. saute leeks and garlic for 3 minutes in olive oil
  2. then add the sliced potato and some Italian herbs
  3. add the stock, and simmer for 20 minutes
  4. Its that simple and yummy

The chopped ingredients

saute the leeks in olive oil and garlic

here's your bowl!

Also I have been trying to persuade my local Indian grocery store to let me write their blog since the summer, finally he agreed, I am also going to do a facebook fan page and twitter page for them.

I am trying to make my way as a freelance writer and food blogger, to stay home and have fun writing.

I have learned most jobs won't come to to you, go out and hunt them down, pitch idea's to local companies and be confident in your ability.
A year ago I wouldn't have dreamed I could do this, blogging teaches us so much.

So for all you budding writers out there you can do it, and NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP as Winston Churchill said, email me for support!

I am not making heaps right now, but slowly it will built ☺

I love you all thanks for reading, and supporting me, if you need any tips from what I have learnt email or comment anytime



  1. Looks healthy and warming! I could use a bowl now...the snow is coming down!

  2. Thanks for the encouraging comments at the end of your post. I do sometimes feel like giving up!

  3. My favrotie all-time soup and then you just throw in whatever strikes you. Comforting warm and healthy. Love the posting and the sentiment.

  4. I love leek soup but never made it. But A couple of days ago, I bought a leek in the hope that I will end up making it..and Thanks to you..I am sure I will end up making it!

  5. I just looooooove leek!!!!! I've never made the soup, but it looks delicious!!!

  6. It is a slow process, but good things come to those who wait and are persistant! I love your soup it looks delicious!!! Good luck on your venture!

  7. Leeks are fabulous! Your soup looks delicious. Hang in there!

  8. TKW: here you go!
    Jessica: don't give up, you can do it
    Claudia: oh its great to make like that isn't it
    Jhonny wow perfect timing!
    Renata: enjoy
    Sarah great advice thanks
    Cristie: thanks lol

  9. You are right girl - I've been a professional freelance writer for 10 years, and it's always a hustle! You have to be assertive, act like you have confidence even when you don't, and never give up. And remember there will be good times with tons of work, and there will definitely be lean times. It's a cycle.

  10. I like how this version of leek soup is omits cream and butter. I'm looking forward to talking with you later about the portfolio of opportunities that you have pitched and gained.

  11. Smiling...inspired. Well done. The world of food blogging is not to be trivialised. After a weekend with like minds, I've come back refreshed....and convinced that dreams should be dreamt...and lived out! Good on you Rebecca

  12. How exciting! Good for you! That's pretty much my dream job...way to go after what you want, Rebecca!!

  13. Leeks are a favorite of mine, and I love potato leek soup! Thanks for saving me a bowl!

    You are right "never give up"

  14. This is a simple and lovely soup that I will never get tired of. It's warming and nutritious.

  15. Again I can't believe that I sent to twitter a quote from him today!
    A comforting yummy warm soup.. where is my spoon???



  16. Tast trix; thanks so much for the advice
    fresh local and best: yep healthy is good oh I am a newbie writer!
    Kitchen butterfly oh i bet food blogger connect was amazing lol
    LK: me too lol
    Nicole: but don;t give up your day job yet lol, you could do it on the side for extra cash lol
    Lyndsey: smiles
    Mary: thanks lol
    Vrinda: thanks
    Gera: heres ya spoon clever minds think alike!

  17. Congratulations!!! that soup looks comforting and delicious.

  18. Thanks for the call, oh how I am getting excited for Friday...

    I love leeks and potatoes, and just made a pan of roasted root veggies, then added stock for a pot of soup, but not posting, as it was not so pretty, and we ate it all!

    You encourage me, and I thank you for your determination to succeed!

  19. congrats girl :) thats gonna be so fun! that bowl of soup looks so perfect for a cold rainy day!

  20. Your soup sounds great Rebecca! And I am so proud and happy for you! That is great news.

  21. Congratulations on your upcoming endeavors!! Your words have given me new inspiration to take into the new year. I've been a little lost about what I really want to do with my blog and how dedicated I am to writing. I'll have to take your lead! 8-)

    Oh, and this soup sounds delicious - perfect for the season!

  22. Julie: thanks so much smiles
    Reeni: thanks your so sweet thanks as ever for reading
    Tangled Noodle oh your a great writer love your blog, follow your heart love Rebecca

  23. The soup sounds so delicious and comforting, especially on a cold night like we are having now. Soup is my favorite food in the winter months.
    So glad that you are getting some writting opportunities.

  24. Oh we have this wonderful soup too! thanks for bringing back the wonderful memory!

  25. it looks great, perfect for the chilly weather here!

  26. hi, Rebecca,
    Thanks for always having encouraging words. Congrats on the new job. What a great idea. I just harvested the last of my big leeks from my garden on Dec 1. Can you imagine that I had vegetables from end of March to December 1st!!! -Tien

  27. Lynda: thanks so much and for commenting
    the 3 hungry tummies: thats cool isn't it good lol
    peachkins: oh heres a bowl for you lol
    Tien: wow thats so cool you grow leeks and wonderful you had veggies from it for so long love Rebecca

  28. Mmm...Potato and leek soup is a favorite of mine. Hope you send it to Souper Sundays this week. (Hint!)

    Congrats on the new gig--you are amazing!


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