Mac and Cheese with Ham, Peas and Onion

Just for fun I made a clip of making Macaroni and Cheese with ham, peas and spring onion.

I took out a lot of the stirring so it wasn't as long as not too bore you all too much. Was fun to do but a lot of work!

But now you can get to know me better he he he, have a good laugh watching!!

Also Malar of Kitchen Mantra kindly gave me this award, be sure to check out her blog she has a great yogurt dessert today - yummy


  1. I really want to learn how to make it, thanks a lot for the recipe!!

  2. I love that you have a bunch of presents stacked on the counter next to you. I guess little Jas a bit eager for Christmas to arrive. hehehe... Aweseom mac and cheese. Nothing beats classic comfort food.

  3. I liked that you added peas and ham to your mac and cheese.

  4. I really like this~~ healthy and yummy ~~

  5. This looks like terrific recipe! Great job on the video!

  6. Haha very cute! who is holding the camera ? :)

  7. Renata: my pleasure
    Jenn: Oh it was so good, she started to open the presents under the tree so I had to put them higher
    Hummingbird appetite: thanks
    Anncoo: thanks
    Fresh Local and Best : fun for a first attempt!!
    3 hungry tummies: its on the laptop how cool is that!!

  8. Ha, yes, who is holding the camera?

    Love the video, and since I had already talked via phone, see you in person makes it cool! Love the recipe and wish I could eat it right now!

    I notice the presents, I got an early one! Santa dropped it off at my door today, yeah!

  9. I had trouble hearing you, but I love your accent!

    And that mac looked WONDERFUL! Just like everything else you make : )

  10. Cute clip! I hope you make more. We can compare notes :).

  11. You are GREAT! Also, cute shout-out. Our kitchen is too small to have my kiddo on the floor next to me. :) We have to get them together!

  12. So much fun to watch!!Mac and cheese will always be a favorite!!

  13. Forgot to tell you...

    He's not in the military, nope. Corporate job that sent him to Milan for 2 years. So we've done the long-distance thing and the Italy thing. We may go to Shanghai next. I'm hopeful! Where are you guys? Your family is beautiful, Rebecca!

  14. I LOVE mac and cheese. Especially with all of these mix-ins. The video is super cute.

  15. Jasmine was such a great much fun. Have a wonderful holidays season with friends and family. I am sure your kitchen will be filled with successes.

  16. Love the video! It's hard to beat Mac 'n Cheese for great comfort food.

  17. Hey you make Mac&Cheese just like I do!

    Love the stack of wrapped Christmas presents on your kitchen counter!

    Is that a stethoscope hanging from your cabinet knob?

  18. Nutritous and healthy. Merry X'mas and Happy New to you and your loved ones!

  19. heehee.this is nice.Merry Christmas Rebecca!

  20. Wow, great to see you cooking! Well done you! I wouldnt know where to begin!

  21. Nicole: thanks great to know you as well
    unplanned cooking sure its fun, but the editing was work ok for short recipes!!
    Kelsey: your clip inspired me, I guess your laptop records like mine? come to NC!
    figtree: thanks smiles
    we live in winston salem NC, wow shanghai!
    Joanne: thanks smiles
    Bellini Valli: thanks for such a sweet comment, the same to you lol Rebecca
    Mimi: so true
    Michelle: thats so cool we make it the same! hubby is a DR.
    Cheah: oh thanks the same to you lol
    peachkins: thanks'
    Ruth: i thought it would be fun for folks to see me !

  22. Great video and mac & cheese is yummy!

  23. That's a fun little experiment .. and your little helper is a definite cutie!

  24. Thanks for reminding me Mac & Cheese ... I'd consider this a comfort food among Americans ... Everyone there seems to love it!!


  25. Thanks for reminding me Mac & Cheese ... I'd consider this a comfort food among Americans ... Everyone there seems to love it!!


  26. What a cute video! Your daughter is darling and I love your accent! I need to make a vegetarian mac and cheese this week, this sounds perfect! ( minus the peas and ham :) Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  27. Looks delicious! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  28. foodie with little time: thanks
    5 star foodie thanks so much
    Muneeba thanks so much
    Pei Lin: its common in the UK as well lol, love your blog
    Sarah: enjoy your mac and cheese thanks for the wishes
    food for tots thanks so much

  29. It's really cool to see you cooking! I like cheese dish, not to mention with Peas!

  30. Lovely! And your little helper is such a cutie!

  31. Hi Rebecca, for some reason I;m not able to see the video :( but it sounds like a great combo :-)

  32. Hey Rebecca, could you tell me the name of that Web site you use to help you organize all the Web pages you want to bookmark? I can't remember the name, but I know you posted something about it.

  33. yummm mac and cheese :) Nice to see you cooking and little jasmine she is so cute :). Happy holidays and merry christmas to you and your family

  34. Angie; thanks will look forward to your cip!
    Natasha thanks shes awesome
    Gulmohar; sorry about that
    Hummingbird appetite spingpad
    peannuts thanks so much love ya

  35. i love your video! it is nice to watch you in the kitchen. i really like that you added ham and peas to your mac and cheese.

  36. Oh jolly good, your voice is soooo cute! Like a little girl... really soft & sweet. hehe.... And thanks for being our tutor today. You're just so nice.

  37. let me eat cake with me: thanks
    my little Space: thanks smiles

  38. I just love the video Rebecca! I feel like I get to know you better. What a great mac and cheese!!

  39. thanks Diana: same thing when I saw your TV clip its awesome what you do lol


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