8 Tips to Enjoy The Holidays While Staying Friends with The Scale

Here's a few simple tips to enjoy the Holiday Season without having an argument with your bathroom scales!

By Rebecca Subbiah RD

1. Tis the season for giving, share your cookies and cakes with friends and neighbors!

2. Walk around your neighborhood and sing Carrols spreading good cheer.

3. Have a small healthy snack before going to parties like a piece of fruit or a bowl of cereal so your not really hungry.

4. Christmas is just one day relax and eat what you want but just for a day!

5. Make mini desserts to help with portion control.

6. Leftovers are a good thing, you can get creative with the turkey, make turkey curry, turkey fried rice and turkey salad.

7. Play in the snow, have snow ball fights build a snowman and make snow angels.

8. Have fun

What are your tips?



  1. Great post! I just made mini bread puddings for our dinner, after we had a yummy salad, and glass of wine. I love to sing carols!

    I think I am blind from your wreath!

  2. Hee hee, I don't really plan on dieting during the Holidays at all. Just wanna indulge! In moderation, of course! I say just let live and enjoy the moment!

  3. Hi Rebecca, thanks for stopping by. Yes, I'm back from my vacation. Hopefully still be able to catch up with you. Wow... you ran like a marathon contestant! Lots of guest posts... clever girl! Glad that you're back to cooking again. I'm sure your hubby miss your cooking a lot LOL!
    You're having so much fun lately.. meeting with many blogger friends, celebrating your birthday over at London & many more. But the one I like the most was that Salmon, Mushroom & Spinach En Croute! I definitely will try it out some day.
    Have a great weekend and enjoy the festive season!
    Cheers, Kristy

  4. Excellent advice Rebecca. I hope that I will remember your wise words in a couple weeks...

    Best wishes, Natasha.

  5. Great and informative post!

  6. Wonderful advice.
    I simply agree with everything you said.

  7. Chef E: oh wow mini bread pudding yummy, great meal
    burpndslurp: oh I agree enjoy but in moderation
    my little space: oh I still cook but adore guest post love learning from folks around the world then I can learn new recipes lol
    Natasha: smiles,
    peachkins: thanks
    Padhu: thanks for visiting nice blog u have
    Dajana: thanks lol

  8. Excellent tips! I definitely plan on following these during the holiday season, especially since I am somewhat out of running commission. Although hopefully I will be back on my feet soon.

  9. Rebecca, These are definitely "tips to live by"! Now to put them in practice. Thanks...

  10. Fun tips. I'm determined this holiday season to enjoy without gaining weight. Keeping meals low calorie during the week sure helps!

  11. That's excellent advise...but can't you just tell your friends to get rid of the scale? hehehe

  12. Those are great tips!

    I usually try to bring something to a party that I know I can eat and not feel guilty about. Usually people love it and don't realize how healthy it is.

  13. Good advice. I hope it's not too late for me, girl! ; )

  14. I needed this advice. I always forget to control myself during the holidays. Great ideas on how to keep the spirit and your self control!

  15. great tips mine are not as wholesome - I would say go hungry to parties so you can fill up on all of their goodies...LOL

  16. Always remembering that it's just one day, and that there's always next year to enjoy everything edible all over again!

  17. Great list, unfortunately ( or fortunately) no snow to build a snowman in this year!

  18. not eating recklessly from Thangsgiving the New Year-but those madelines means you might have to make 2 days of eating snacks!

  19. Joanne: oh hope your ok as I know how much you love running
    George: yep got to put into practice lol
    Mother Rimmy: oh thats a great idea
    Lyndsey: smiles
    Angie: aw your sweet
    Tasty Trix: never too late medieval feaster!
    unplanned cooking: so happy it helped
    dogglybloggy: thats funny but maybe not so bad
    Nicole: great tip to add to the list lol
    Sarah: snow is nice at christmas
    Doc: he he I know!

  20. great tips, i always need all the help i can get this time of year!

  21. Yeah for snowball fights! I hope it snows enough to have one this year :)

  22. thanks teresa.
    Gina: oh you will get snow on OHIO I bet

  23. Really helpful tips!!!!!!!! Tks 4 sharing!

  24. Great tips. I'm totally in to the mini thing.

  25. Great tips!!! haha is that time of the year again

  26. Renata: thanks
    Mimi: thanks
    3 hungry tummies yep it is lo,

  27. After reading this blog I just remembered, I need to go to the gym today. I will not lose to the holiday calories!

  28. Great advice Rebecca. Just remember all things in moderation and don't eat until you feel stuffed - stop before you get to that point.

  29. Grand tips. I wear the same jeans each morning while naking - so I know!

  30. Did I say I'm loving your new blog look!!!! And all the recipes too Rebecca.

  31. Claudia: good idea,
    Kitchen Butterfly: thanks so so much


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