Banana and Chocolate Brownie Cake

So I was in the mood for a cake/brownies today he he well, ever since coming back from France and my Grandma's house in England I was determined to be a better baker. I found a recipe for brownies, tweaked it a little and added ripe banana and voila this baby was born. It was so good hubby had two slices straight after each other and he's a health nut, so he liked it!

I am in the Food Bloggers group started by the lovely Amanda of Amanda's Cookin and recently they were talking about using props so I found this tea towel and couldn't resist!

Banana and Chocolate Brownie cake


  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • one cup of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • one teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1/3 cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 very ripe banana's mashed
  • one teaspoon baking powder

  1. let butter melt a little
  2. cream butter and sugar for a few minutes
  3. then add in the eggs, flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa and banana
  4. add to a cake tin and bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes



  1. that looks so delish and EASY!! yum!

  2. I love desserts with chocolate and banana. I could definitely eat a piece of cake right now!

  3. I have some ripe bananas to use up and am going to make this recipe pronto! Thanks!

  4. Looks so good with this easy recipe :D

  5. Yummmmmmy!! This would be a perfect midnight snack right about now.

  6. That's a gorgeous brownie cake! Chocolate and banana are perfect together!

  7. Oh I likie! Now I want it early in the morning! Are you up to your ears in snow?

  8. How did you know I was looking for a recipe for some very sad looking bananas that are sitting in my fruit bowl! What an angel you are! I am going to try this tomorrow.

    Best Christmas wishes, Natasha.

  9. What a lovely dessert! With some of my favorite flavors! I noticed your prop right away, very clever! I like the idea.

  10. Nice recipe, bananas in just about anything.
    The tea towel looks lovely. I wish I could pose my photos better. I'll visit her site today. Thanks!
    And Happy Holidays!

  11. Brownies, yummmm my favourite.... :)

  12. Ktbwood: thanks
    hummingbird appetite: here you go lol
    Carrie: oh you will love it
    Jhnonny: thats what I am all about !
    Anncoo thanks
    Jenn: thats what I had last night!
    Angie: thanks so much
    Chef E: yep lots of snow and now icey to drive
    peachkins: so true
    Natasha: oh thats so cool enjoy on me!
    Lyndsey: he he fun to play with props
    Barbara: join the food bloggers listserve on yahoo
    Peanuts: heres one for you and you lil guy lol

  13. This seems like such a natural combination for a dessert since chocolate and banana are basically a match made in heaven. Delicious.

  14. I too noticed your prop immediately and loved it. I will say though, all your photos are lovely the way they are and because they often include glimpses into the 'bigger area' of your life...just seem so personal and what you are all about. I love the simplicity of this recipe Rebecca and I bet that is why it appeals to your hubby. BTW, I have one of those husbands too....loving the baking smells but asking the ingredients before sampling as he is a super health nut. This may bring about a few tweaks to my recipes next year...I am thinking about becoming a 'nut' too...grin! Great little recipe here!

  15. This is my first time dropping by. Banana and chocolate makes a great combination.

  16. Now THAT looks tempt-a-lishous.

    I am going to try this recipe in the spring. Until then, nose to the grindstone! Love ya.

  17. That sounds wonderful and looks wonderful! I need to become a better baker, too!

  18. Well done! I have come to believe that baking is all in your head - if you think you can do it, you can!!

  19. Looks delicious!

    And, I have to agree, love the tea towel!

  20. Banana and chocolate make such a beautiful combination!!! I love it!

  21. Ohh, yummy! The brownie looks delicious!

  22. Joanne: oh i agree he he
    Trish: smiles out hubby's should meet up!
    Cheah: welcome enjoy your visit thanks
    meet Virginia : I will make it for you
    prevention RD: if I can you can LOL
    simply life: thanks
    tasty trix: oh well said
    Lea Ann: thanks so much
    Angie: thanks smiles
    Renata: oh match made in heaven!
    Didan: thanks

  23. Looks delicious! I love the styling too :)

  24. Mmmmm, how scrumptious Rebecca!

  25. I love this!! I have a sweet potato brownie mix I need to fix up.

    I also love the props.

  26. Your brownie cake sounds really good. I'm not so great at making homemade brownies. For some reason, they never quite taste as good as the boxed kind.

  27. 3 hungry tummies thanks so much
    Reeni: thanks not bad for li ole me!
    mom on the run: thanks so much
    Emily: go on your can make bread you can do this!

  28. Chocolate is my favorite and I couldn't pass on anything that is cooked out of this. Thanks for a yummy post!

  29. Oh yummy! I love banana and chocolate together. I bet this is so moist and delicious!

  30. Bananas in chocolate does sound very yummy.

  31. Perfect! I love the combo of chocolate and bananas in baking. This looks absolutely scrumptious.

  32. xoxo: my pleasure
    the ungourmet: oh it was very moist all gone now though h eh he
    lori: was good smiles
    Claudia: heres yours lol

  33. That sounds fabulous, and I LOVE the tea towel!! :)

  34. When my hubby has 2 slices I know Ive done well!!This looks delish!

  35. Hey Rebecca, this looks really yummy! Your first bake on this? Well done.

  36. It looks wonderful and I love that you added banana too.

  37. Delish, I love bananas with chocolate. Great tea towel! I have to start using props more.

  38. I love bananas and chocolate together, yummy and easy to make too! Thanks for sharing Rebecca..and
    Merry, Merry Christmas to you and your family! :D

  39. foodie with a little thyme: thanks
    Amanda: smiles
    figtree: oh yours is the same he he
    Shri: smiles
    my little space: yep first bake on this!
    Deb: thanks
    Natasha: oh thanks so much
    Olive thanks for the christmas wishes so sweet of you

  40. That looks delicious, Rebecca! Great job! I am going to be a better baker in 2010 ;)

  41. Dear,

    Shared an Award with you. Please feel free to collect them.:)

  42. This looks wonderful and I love the tea towel too!!!!!!!!

    Merry Christmas!

  43. I love the tea towel, and the crumbly and decadent nature of this banana chocolate brownie looks fab!

  44. This looks easy and delicious! I have some ripe bananas that are calling my name right now!

  45. Superb Rebecca. So you enjoyed your Grandma's chocolate cake then :-). Lots of Love

  46. YUMMMM - one question, what is vanilla essence? Is that like vanilla extract or something? You're not just working with pros here, girl!! Hope you're having a good week ~ ♥

  47. Erica; we have the same resolution girl!
    Malar: thanks so much thanks so much
    fresh local and best oh your so sweet
    kitchen butterfly: of course Grandmas and cake go hand in hand he he
    the imperfect housewife: sorry extract same thing I think lol

  48. Yum. Nick would probably eat three, he's a chocoholic, and LOVES banana!

  49. love the banana in this delicious brownie cake, yum!

  50. That cake looks so good!

    Thanks for stopping by x x

  51. banana and chocolate are probably one of the best combos ever! yum!

  52. thanks Tam
    let me eat cake with me: oh so true

  53. Lovely brownie cake! Looks so good and I love the tea towel!

  54. I am going to try this one out this weekend! I would do it today but my bananas need a couple of days yet...Thanks for sharing!

  55. Chocolate makes everything better! I love this twist on banana bread and am eager to give it a whirl. Many thanks for sharing ...

  56. 1/3 of what measurement for the cocoa powder?


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