Asparagus with Sesame and Peanut Sauce

I just wanted to share this easy and delicious way of cooking asparagus. We had it tonight with roast chicken and mashed potato. Asparagus is a nutritional powerhouse being a good source of Iron, Magnesium and Zinc, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper, Manganese and Selenium.

  • one bunch of asparagus
  • 1/2 a chopped tomato or 4 small cherry tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoon of Thai Peanut Sauce
  • olive oil
  • teaspoon of sesame seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ginger/garlic paste

  1. heat the oil then add the ginger/garlic paste
  2. add the tomato and sesame seeds saute for a minute
  3. then add the asparagus and peanut sauce saute for 5 minutes.

What's your favorite way of cooking asparagus?

oh and the lovely Chaya of Sweet Savory Says it all gave me this award, she is a wonderful person full of wisdom and warmth and is great cook thanks so much.



  1. I like the sauce more than the asparagus. I could use this on another vegetable.

    Would you come back to my blog. There is something there for you.

  2. This looks really delish! I don't have any Thai peanut sauce but I am putting it on my grocery list. I got a spice rack for Christmas and I have sesame seeds. Cool! Happy New Year Rebecca and family!

  3. I love both asparagus and peanuts, but never had them together. looks very tasty.
    Happy New Year

  4. Delicious! I saw this on your twitter and was hoping you would post it!
    I love asparagus with olive oil and sea salt on the grill.

  5. I bet the peanut sauce made this dish tastier...

  6. Green asparagus in peanut sauce sounds just scrumptious.

  7. lovely can transform any boring veggie into a delicacy !!

  8. mm, this looks great. I love asparagus. I really just steam it and eat it that way most of the time. I also like it with a bit of lemon and sliced almonds!

  9. I adore peanut sauce. I wouldn't have thought to combine it with tomatoes and asparagus though. Definitely need to give it a shot!

    My favorite way to eat asparagus is simple - roasted with salt, a touch of olive oil and a touch of balsamic vinegar. So good. Kind of like candy.

  10. Sweet Savory: thanks so much I have added it, oh I bet it would be great with any veggie
    Theresa: oh great christmas gift love spices thanks so much the same to you love Rebecca
    Mimi: oh you will love it
    Sarah: oh wow its great grilled, Happy New year
    carrie: yep smiles
    peachkins: love peanut sauce lol
    Angie: thanks
    Sophie: thanks so much
    Sangeeta: thanks smiles
    Gina: oh bet its great with almonds
    Joanne: oh that sounds great as well

  11. Rebecca, asparagus are my favorite "go-to" vegetable and I am always looking for new ways to prepare them. This recipe is awesome and I love the flavor combinations. Many thanks...

  12. I love asparagus and love peanut sauce. What a great combo. Thanks for the recipe.

  13. congrats on your award!
    the asparagus look delish. i love the idea of a peanut sauce.

  14. Yum! What a delicious way to spice up asparagus.

  15. who can say no to a nutritional powerhouse - certainly not me - a lot of twists and turns in this not so conventional dish.

  16. Sounds delicious! I could make a meal of the asparagus all by itself, I'm such a big veggie fan. My favorite way to cook asparagus is to roast it in the oven with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and fresh herbs. Yum!

  17. Peanut sauce just goes so well with all - delicious!

  18. Hey, we just had asparagus last night too!! It was just steamed though, nothing fancy. My mom found a great recipe in a magazine with asparagus wrapped in phyllo dough with I think parmesan cheese or something. She makes those for get-togethers and they disappear so fast. Not real healthy, but for a snackie type thing, it'll do. Have a happy new year ~ ♥

  19. thanks so much George
    Lea Ann: my pleasure
    Emily: thanks
    Didan: you will love it
    doggybloggy: love the unconventional and creative lol
    mother rimmy sounds great and you have good taste
    Claudia: thanks
    the imperfect housewife; oh your mums way sounds great for parties

  20. I love peanut sauce. I've never tried it on asparagus.

  21. Asparagus is so expensive here when it is not in season. Love the idea of peanut sauce though,not sure that it would work with sprouts though lol!

  22. Ooo, that recipe does look easy! Does the asparagus stay aldente?

  23. This asparagus looks just delicious. I love asparagus and usually toss it in some olive oil, salt and pepper and then roast it. This looks like a great, flavorful alternative.

  24. Naomi: thanks
    unplanned cooking its nice give it a shot
    Janice: what about green beans?
    prevention RD: yep just cook it for a short time lol
    cookbookapprentice: thanks so much

  25. Hey Rebecca, I'm just coming over to with you a great new year!!!!!

  26. That sauce sounds delicious..Like asparagus, though I haven't experimented much on this veggie..:-)

  27. Can't wait to try this sauce. Yummmmm. My fav way of making asparagus..? Hand toss it with a tad of olive oil. Spread on a baking sheet and roast at 450F. Try 4 minutes and check it for desired doneness. Then have Rebecca's sauce in a little individual bowl for dipping. This also makes a great crowd pleaser appie if served on a platter with the sauce on the side.


  28. thanks so much Renata
    Gulmohar: thanks its so good
    Saucey: oh that sound like an awesome dip LOL

  29. Oh Rebecca, I am so in the mood for a dish like this! I love Thai food and may have already told you so. I hope that your Christmas was beautiful and that you have a wonderful 2010! We drove through the NC mountains on the detour around the mountain landslide; it was quite lovely! Hugs, Roz

  30. I love asparagus simply roasted with evoo, salt, and pepper. Your recipe does sound amazing though! I love thai flavors :)

  31. thanks so much sweet Bella love ya
    mom on the run thanks

  32. What a great idea to pair the asparagus with the peanut sauce--yum!

  33. As a young girl I secretly would eat them raw from the fridge, or a whole can (I know blah now) and loved them when most kids turned noses up at this idea since hubby loves PB!

  34. Looks delicious! I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of asparagus in the spring!

  35. Deb: thanks
    Chef E you make me smile
    Melanie: oh i hear you I got a shock at the price when I checked out!

  36. This sounds delicious!
    Wishes for happiness and blessings in the coming year.

  37. I don't cook asparagus very often. My favourite dish should be stir fried asparagus with scallops. Yummm...


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