Kala Channa - Black Chick Pea Dal

I made this today its a lovely and easy recipe to make with the little black chick peas. Chick pea's are a great source of protein and one of the oldest cultivated vegetables. They are also a great source of zinc, calcium and folate.
  • phosphorus (340 mg/100 g)
  • calcium (190 mg/100 g)
  • magnesium (140 mg/100g)
  • iron (7 mg/100 g)
  • zinc (3 mg/100 g)
  • protein 8.9g/100g
  • fiber 7.6g/100g

  • chana
  • ginger/garlic paste
  • coconut shredded
  • 1/2 red onion
  • salt to taste
  • one tablespoon masala powder
  • 1 green chili
  • curry leaves
  • 3 small tomatoes
  • a little tomato puree
  • tamarind paste 1/4 handful soaked in hot water

1. Soak the Channa in water overnight
2. pressure cook the Channa 4 times, with onion and tomato, these little things need a lot of whistles to soften them up!
3. fry onion, chili, curry leaves in canola oil, add masala powder, and tomato and let it reduce down, then add the pressure cooked Channa, tamarind paste and coconut and simmer for 20-30 min to let all the flavors sink in and get soft.

This dish is wonderful with Chapati. I didn't get round to it tonight as I ran out time after the Dietetic Board meeting, so we had rice. But I will make chapati tomorrow with the leftovers!

Also the most lovely Nat of Nat Loves Baking in NYC gave me this award so sweet of her, be sure to check out her site for wonderful baking and cooking and the Joys of life being a mum to two little girls.

I want to pass this along to

Also just saw another cool chick pea post on Taste of Beirut!



  1. Do you have an recipe recommendations for someone who loves Indian food, but has never cooked it?

  2. http://www.chowandchatter.com/2009/09/aloo-gobi-and-awards.html, this is an easy one, its not as hard as you think but I used to be scared of a pressure cooker, go on Gidget you can do it!

  3. Thanks rebecca, I appreciate the award! I will email you later about a guest post! Think about what you would like to see!

  4. I forget when I last ate some chick peas. I shall eat some more!

  5. I've never tried black chick pea, this looks very interesting and delicious!

  6. Whoa! Black chickpeas? Never seen those before.

  7. Hi Rebecca, these are my favorites and I normally make them without the coconut and tamarind but with dry mango powder and I put chopped cucumber, tomatoes, cilantro and onion over it and eat it just like that and yes also add a dash of lime, tell u it's divine...

  8. I bought a bag of black chick peas a few weeks ago for a recipe that I haven't made yet. This looks delicious, although the pressure cooking them 3 times is scary to me. ;-)

  9. great chana recipe..
    i love kala chana n have kala chana recipes on my blog "banaras ka khana"..

  10. HI, Rebbeca,
    Oh, yum. This dish looks yummy. I will have to look for black chick peas at the store next time. -Tien :)

  11. I've never heard of chana, Rebecca. I always learn so much on your blog! I'll look for black chick peas now!

  12. I love Dal, and this looks worth trying. I'm going to check out all your Dal recipes. It's my idea of comfort food!

  13. Rebecca, many thanks for the "nod" and award; I am so glad that my recipe post are bringing new ideas to others. In my profile I speak of the way food & people are brought together through cooking & sharing.

    Your Kala Channa sounds absolutely amazing! For the last year or so, I have been adding chickpeas to my salads, because of their excellent source for protein.

  14. Congrats on the award! That is a tasty dal. Dishes that are quick and easy are often the best.

  15. I have never ever seen black chick peas. Surely my Whole Foods carries them. This looks delicious and thanks for the post.

  16. Congrats on the award, and thanks so much for passing it on to me!! YOu're too kind :)

    This recipe sounds fantastic. Actually I think my friend SMita make something very similar to this the last time she had me over for dinner (she's an amazing Indian cook).

  17. Rebecca, Thank you very much for the award {*-*)

  18. Sarah; oh i am excited and my pleasure
    Angie: and they are so good for you lol
    Fresh Local and Best: oh you will like it
    Pauline: they are really nice thanks for visiting
    Pari: oh one of my friends made it like that for me once yummy, is it on your blog?
    Deb: you could boil them for maybe one hour till soft as well no worries
    Sangeeta; thanks my mum in law taught me lol
    Tien smiles
    peachkin thanks
    Barbara i also learn gourmet cooking from you lol
    Lyndsey oh thanks i agree its yum and filling
    Nicole my pleasure
    George: oh great idea to add to salads love it
    Palidor: oh your right
    Lea Ann: they should or they can get them for you
    Gina: oh my pleasure you will have to get some tips from you buddy lol
    Ancoo: no worries

  19. I'm new to the whole chick pea thing but we bought them dried somewhere and ate them like that as a snack and they were SO good!! If they're healthy, then I'm doubly happy!! I love coming here - it's like going to food school, only it's the FUN kind of school! Have a great day ~ ♥

  20. Thanks for the info abt chick peas,those r my fav...looks yumm..congrats on ur awards and thanx for thinking of me...

  21. Congratulations on your award, Rebecca!

  22. Channa and shredded coconut in one dish... Mmmm I'll have to try it! Thanks for posting this recipe.

    Congrats on your award!

  23. the imperfect housewife; oh what a sweet comment you have made my day
    Vrinda: love your food
    Erica: thanks so much
    Didan: thanks for visiting pleased you like it

  24. I am curious about these black chick peas now! I am going to seek them out at the Indian market!

  25. This recipe looks super delish..and looks like something I could make. I am loving all your wonderful recipes. Thanks!

  26. taste of Beirut just added a link to your recipe as chick peas as well cool
    swanky RD: so happy you like the recipes

  27. Hi Rebecca I have just stated my Indian week here :) I love a good dal!!

  28. I love chickpeas Rebecca! This looks so yummy!

  29. 3 hungry tummies: on my way over to your place!!
    Reeni: thanks me too lol

  30. Ummm, how did I miss this? I love chick pea anything! I am making dal and roti tomorrow for dinner, not sure what my client wants for main course yet...

  31. Hey Reb-my mom makes rasam with the water used for cooking the chickpea. Tates great-try it the next time!!

  32. chef E you would love this
    Sweta: oh thats such a great idea then its not wasted will put on OM indian grocery fanpage as a tip

  33. Thank you Rebecca! I've had the Chana del Garbanzos before and yes, they didn't soften like the tan ones I usually get! Great recipe, I'll be using this!

  34. Nice recipe Rebecca. Thank you. I have read about black chick peas but have yet to find them in any market or store in my area. Would regular chick peas work as well?

  35. I can't find black chick peas in our area. Will regular chick peas work too?


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