Oat and Raisin Biscuits

Oat and Raisin Biscuits - this recipe is from a cookbook my Mum got me for Christmas its a British one, I really liked these biscuits or cookies in the US. Hubby wasn't so keen as said less sugar and tasted like his morning oatmeal! but heres the recipe anyways. I must confess though when it comes to cookies American's rock at them!

  • 4 tablespoon butter
  • 4 1/2 oz sugar
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1 3/4 oz plain flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 6 oz rolled oats
  • m and m's well everything needs a bit of chocolate!
  • 4 1/2 oz raisins
  • 2 tablespoon sesame seeds
  1. cream the butter and sugar
  2. add in the egg, flour, salt, baking powder, m and m's, sesame seeds, raisins
  3. add small spoonfuls to a greased baking sheet and bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

Jasmine and I have been enjoying them with our milk!, for amazing cookies be sure to see Amanda's blog, Amanda's Cookin, she's a pro!



  1. Cookies and Christmas are such a great combo. I love any type of cookie :)

  2. Cookies with heavy butter and sugar are no doubt flavorful, yet sometimes we do need a healthier alternative to give our bodies a break. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love oatmeal cookies! Never had British version though. I like healthy cookies, so I'll give it a try. ;)

  4. I love oatmeal raisin cookies and was experimenting with a few recipes before Christmas. I'm with you on the healthier version!

  5. That's such a healthy biscuit. I love that you add sesame seeds. Can imagine the beautiful flavour. Happy Holidays, Rebecca! Hope you have lots of fun!

  6. lovely cookies! i lie the idea of making them colourfull!
    have a very sweet day!

  7. i forgot: i would love to make a guest post of orecchiette for you! i'll back home on Jan 5th and will work on it, ok?
    many hugs, justyna

  8. These cookies would be lovely for kids' birthday too!

  9. These are awesome- I would probably eat a whole batch of these in one go! I love that there are Smarties in them too!

  10. Whoa Rebecca, such nice cookies! I love chewing on oatmeals. This is such a yummy recipe. Thanks!

  11. Oooh oat biscuits,great way to feed kids oatmeal

  12. These cookies sound fantastic! I love my morning oatmeal, so even if they taste like that I will be quite happy.

  13. Oatmeal, chocolate m & m, and raisins.. mmmm these cookies are scrumptious as breakfast :)
    I need this Brit recipe soon on my table!



  14. Hi Rebecca!

    Those cookies look YUMMY! I am definitely going to give them a try. Thanks for sharing and I am looking forward to blogging and twittering with you 2010!


  15. A new cookbook for Christmas. My favorite gift to receive! Have fun testing recipes, this one sounds delicious. Right up my alley with lighter ingredients.

  16. Mom on the Run: so true
    tasteHongKong: oh thats a very good point lol
    Kitchen M: hope you like them
    kellypea: healthier is good lol
    Faiza: thanks
    Mary: thanks so much
    Justyna: oh thanks can't wait for the guest post have a great holiday
    Angie: oh they would lol
    Sanjana: oh smarties love them, can get them in my local Indian store!
    Melinda: thanks smiles
    my little space: thanks so much
    peanuts: smiles
    Joanne: smiles love ya
    Gera: good running fuel as well!
    Ginger: oh your so sweet ditto

    Love Rebecca

  17. I have m and m's in the house, thanks to santa stocking stuffers and mom in law! So I might have to add them to my cookie recipe today...

    I would love these, since I am a big fan of oatmeal cookies, and granola snacks...I bet your daughter loves these too!

  18. Love cookies. Adore oatmeal cookies.Love M&M's - this is the perfect recipe!

  19. They look good to me!!!!!Great job, Rebecca!

  20. I agree that Americans make great cookies. Thanks for a recipe with less sugar!

  21. Oatmeal & M&M's! Sounds like the perfect breakfast to me :).

  22. Oatmeal cookies are one of my favs. Those looks really good.

  23. I wud say cute looking biscuits.Liked the addition of M&M.Good one:)

  24. This looks like a great alternative to the gooier cookies.

  25. Those look wonderful, ma'am!

  26. These look so yummy, Rebecca! I hope you have a Happy and Blessed New Year.
    Hopefully, we'll see each other on HHM soon!

  27. They look so crispy. My mothers side of the family are all Welsh, they never had an oatmeal cookie till they visited the states!

  28. They look great! I love oatmeal cookies the best and not too sweet.

  29. Chef E: yep Jasmine liked them and so will you lol
    Claudia: smiles
    Vrinda: thanks
    Erica: aw thanks
    Crystal: my pleasure thanks
    unplanned cooking he he me too
    Jenn: thanks
    Nithya: thanks
    Fresh local and best: oh yep
    prevention RD: thanks Ma'am !
    Catherine: thanks so much the same to you
    fig tree oh we have lots there now in the UK
    Natashya: thanks

  30. they look good to me - but I like any kind of oatmeal cookie (I guess biscuit in this case)

  31. This looks like such a tasty treat. Bet it was wonderful!

  32. I love oat cookies that aren't too sweet - especially for breakfast! YUM!!

  33. your oats + raisin biscuits look soo good. and i always love cookies + milk. :-)

  34. doggy bloggy thanks yep biscuits for us Brits!
    my tasty kitchen oh thanks
    Reeni oh me too
    thanks Emily


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