Fun Christmas Facts

  • Christmas means Christ Mass and is about celebrating the birth of Jesus
  • Christmas stockings were first used in 1870
  • An old wives tale says that bread baked on Christmas eve doesn't get moldy!
  • At midnight it is said that a special rose opens and closes its petals to salut Jesus' Birth
  • All the sheep in the fields face East at midnight, well maybe!
  • In the UK certain towns have Christmas day swims in ice cold water in costumes!
  • The First Christmas stamp was issued in Austria in 1937
  • The first Christmas tree dates back to 1510 in Latvia
  • The first candy cane was given in Cologne in 1670 when the Choir master of the Cathedral bent the candy to look like a shepherds staff!
  • The first recording of Christmas being celebrated on Dec 25th was in Rome in 336AD although we don't really know the exact day Jesus was born.
  • The turkey was introduced to the UK by William Strickland in Bristol in 1526 when he imported 6 birds from America, the Indians were particularly fond of this bird. King Henry XIII was the first king to have it at christmas. After the meal a long y shaped bone of the turkey will be pulled apart and the person who gets the biggest part can make a wish!

Whatever you are eating or doing this Christmas, make it a tradition of good food, family time and laughter, a time to be thankful and to remember Christs birth and love for us.




  1. Hey Rebecca, I'm just coming by to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Interesting information, hope you enjoy your holidays!

  3. Hey Rebecca,
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!!

  4. I love interesting facts. Thanks for a fun fact packed post:) Happy Holidays!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The reason Xmas bread doesn't get moldy is because it doesn't last too long! ;)
    Happy Holidays!!

  7. What a fun and interesting list. Maybe I will give the Christmas Eve bread a try!

    Merry Christmas

  8. Fun facts! Merry Christmas! :-)

  9. Haha these are going to be great conversation starters tonight at dinner!

    Merry christmas Rebecca!

  10. Renata: thanks so much
    Ancoo: thanks the same to you
    Cristie: thanks happy holidays
    3 hungry tummies:thanks so much, Merry Christmas
    Fresh Local and Best: thanks
    Erica: smiles
    Kenny: thanks so much
    Lyndsey: oh I love facts as well!
    Jenn: oh I love your posts like this as well Merry Christmas
    Caveman cooking oh your right!
    Carrie: he eh let us know what happens
    Emily: thanks
    Sophie: thanks so much Merry Christmas

  11. Merry X'mas and Happy Holidays Rebecca....

  12. I love this stuff! Merry, merry!

  13. I'm just coming by to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!!!

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  14. Claudia: oh I too love facts
    Prashant thanks

  15. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a very Happy New Year!


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