Spicy Tuna and Potatoes and Bonfire Night!

I made mung dal today and a very quick and easy dish with tuna and potatoes. I have been working hard to write all the blog posts for the seafood blog, as we are going to the UK next monday!!
We are going to visit family and take Jasmine to her first bonfire night/Guy Fawkes Night, it happens every November 5th in the UK there is a big bonfire and fireworks, its great. It is to celebrate the failed attempt of Guy Fawkes and others at blowing up the houses of parliment.

We used to always say remember remember the 5th of Nov here is an old rhyme
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of* no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd (or by God's mercy*)
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring. (Holla*)
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!

Will share pictures on the blog. We are then going to France for a week, can't wait, I will try and blog along the way sharing family fun and recipes and good eats.


  • one can of tuna
  • 3 small chopped and boiled potatoes
  • a little chopped fresh cilantro
  • salt to taste
  • fish fry masala
  • 1/2 red onion
  • ginger/garlic paste
  • a pinch of turmeric
  • cumin powder
  • 1/4 of a green pepper
  • a few curry leaves

  1. Heat the oil and saute the onion, curry leaves, ginger/garlic paste and green peppers for 3 minutes
  2. then add a pinch of turmeric, cumin, salt, and fish fry masala and the cooked potatoes and stir fry for a few minutes
  3. add the tuna and stir fry another couple of minutes and its done.
Good news a recent lab study has shown that curcumin found in turmeric was able to kill cancer cells! Heres the link http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8328377.stm

Has anyone else been to Bonfire night?


  1. Fantastic Rebecca....have a great trip. Bring back all your British faves and if you pass by the Netherlands, give me buzz ok?

  2. And right about Tumeric....I try to put a litle bit in my stews and pilafs because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Great also in egg salads! Apparently, it is best to add towards the end of cooking

  3. mmmmm...delish!! I've never experienced Bonfire Night...but I have seen V for Vendetta (the movie)...so I knew what you were talking about, at least, LOL :D

  4. It sounds like you guys have a ton of fun coming up! Have a safe but amazing trip. I can't wait to read about all the things that you do, see, and eat!

    This tuna dish looks delicious. Such simple and yet flavorful fare.

  5. I'm looking forward to reading your posts from Europe, very exciting!

  6. Cool, fireworks in November! Have a safe trip.

    I read about that study. how awesome?! It's the miracle food.

  7. Aw bless it's her first bonfire night! :)
    Not ever much going on for it here, but I always try to make the best of it, will be putting up a bonfire night post next week.

    Loving this tuna recipe, sounds delish!

    Hope you and your family have a fantastic trip back to the homeland!

  8. I'm jealous of your trip to the UK!

    Have a great time!

  9. The spicy tuna & potatoes sound yummy. Enjoy the bonfire night, sounds like fun!

  10. this sound wonderful! and bonfire night sounds cool too!

  11. So fun!! I am so jealous you get to go to France?!!! That will be so neat and I look forward to your pictures :)

  12. Simple and delicious recipe! Have a great time Rebecca.

  13. Rebecca...did I hear Tuna and potato and roast??

    Count me in :) Love all of these..all !!

  14. Kitchen Butterly: thanks so much not in Netherlands this time but who knows in future!, oh and nice tip on the egg salad
    girlichef: oh have to watch that movie then!
    Joanne: thanks so much
    fresh local and best: oh can't wait!
    Gina: oh old spices rock
    a bowl of much oh your sweet thanks so much greacle toffee!!
    TKW: come with us!
    5 star foodie thanks
    Kenny: oh thanks
    Teresa: America should so it too he he
    Eating RD oh i know we are lucky France is cool
    Erica; thanks
    Jhonny smiles

  15. Oh, no, I didn;t even know this traditio. Today I got a newsletter from Eurostr with special promotions: round trip to London for 69 Euros .. should I go for Nov 5th?

  16. Mmm, simple and healthy.
    Have a wonderful trip!

  17. Laura sure your welcome to join us LOL, have emailed u
    Natashya thanks so much

  18. A fantastic dish full of flavors and gorgeous fireworks :)

    Enjoy your trip to UK!!



  19. Rebecca, I haven't been to Bonfire night, but one 5th of November, we had a Brit over for dinner (coincidentally). He told us that it was bonfire night and explained the reason and went on to tell us about the bonfires and that it is tradition to throw a little version of Guy on the fire. Then he paused and said, "Hmm, I guess it IS kind of morbid, isn't it?"

    Thanks for visiting! Weight loss Mondays kind of fell apart. We lacked a leader so we never really could get it together after a while. I took the summer off of blogging and am just slowly, slowly finding time to do it after school starting and adjusting to a new schedule. Thanks so much for sticking with me!

    Have a wonderful time with your travels!

  20. I've never been to bonfire night but have heard about it! Have lots of fun! Safe travels!

  21. Rebecca, have a wonderful time on your trip! Can't wait to read about it.

  22. Joie de Vivre: oh I will stick with ya love your blog, just do what you can and find balance its morbid but fun he he
    thanks Reeni
    thanks Nancy lol

  23. Have a safe and wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing a bit of history with us.

  24. What a light combo, tuna & potatoes! Love the flavour. Btw, the picture looks stunning!

  25. Simply life those of of the net! lol I will go the UK and take my pics he he
    Sophie: thanks

  26. Tuna salad with tumeric...must be great!

  27. yeah I guess it is like a salad but i eat it warm lol

  28. Have a wonderful trip! Your tuna and potatoes looks delicious.


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