Spaghetti Squash With Masala and Cilantro

So here is part two of spaghetti squash, with the other half, I again turned it face down in water, but this time I added ginger/garlic paste, olive oil and masala powder (Amma's from India!), this turned out really good. I think this version is my favorite I ate it tonight with Chicken Curry yum (recipe to follow)

Oh and check out my new gig, I am going to be doing the blog for Blackwing Organic meats, I am so excited as I approached them and asked them if they had thought about having a blog!

Its a wonderful company with great love for the animals to live well and very much into healthy meats. If you have great meat recipes please share with me I will feature them and link back to your blog, they have lots and lots of customers and supply to 5 star chefs LOL.



  1. Hi! Thanks so much :) I have to try spaghetti squash! I still haven't made one before, and I just love masala that would be perfect.
    So cool you will be doing a company's blog, I'll have to check it out.

  2. Congratulations on doing the Blackwing's blog.

  3. Another great way to enjoy spaghetti squash! :D

  4. Oh yes and congrats on the new gig! I would love to do this sometime!

  5. Spaghetti squash is delicious, I love this twist on it. Anything curry is fantastic in my book!

  6. Nice to hear that you will be writing for new blogs...

    So they are also going to be more popular.

  7. creative cooking of spaghetti that looks yummy :)

  8. Eating RD: thanks and give the squash a try
    Fresh Local and Best: thanks so much a couple more gigs and I am a happy camper !
    The ungourmet: oh just try your luck approaching food companies thats what I did LOL
    Sarah thanks so much and I agree curry rocks
    Abilhash: you are too kind thanks so much it means a lot
    MJ: thanks
    Shri: thanks

  9. I have not cooked sqash yet, it's been so nice and unusually warm in Paris lately and I have been holding onto summer. But I feel autumn is here and I have to let it come through my door ... so pumpkin, onion soup, and leeks are in the menu for the upcoming weeks.

  10. Hey, isn't this funny? we were writing a comment on each other's blog at the same time! Perfect coordination!

  11. that is cool Laura are you on twitter!

  12. Nice! Congrats on your new writing gig. :)

  13. Congratulations on your new blog for Blackwing! I love this spaghetti squash recipe. For some reason I haven't made this type of squash in a long time - I will have to give this a try.

  14. Lisa thanks so much
    Nancy: thanks so much give it a try lol
    Erica thanks

  15. spaghetti squash is one of my favorite from the squash fam. this looks like a delicious dish.

  16. I love spaghetti squash, and tis looks so good with the curry!

    congrats on the new writing gig - fun!

  17. Gosh...this is a post with comments full of coincidences. For instance, I wanted to let you know that I am here on my lunch hour sipping work coffee and wishing to find a recipe for some yummy food my Lebanese colleague brought in that his mother made. I googled, and ended up at a site called knife and something and a love story. Anyway...great site but I skim down to leave a comment and there you were...right above even! Grin...too funny!

    Love your curry...can't get enough of it. Never tried it with spagetti squash which admittedly is not my favorite but still...looks super!

  18. Congrats on the new gig! And I love this interpretation of spaghetti squash!

  19. This looks great! Gotta try it for sure.

  20. Wow Reb, that's very cool!! I will definitely check it out. And your spaghetti squash sounds delish :D

  21. Congratulations!! Your writing is going to be all over the web! This squash sound delicious!

  22. Oh tasty! Grand ingredients all. And congrats on the Blackwing's blog - so very exciting!

  23. Rebecca thanks lol
    Trish; oh that is funny, oh and get some Lebanese dishes from her!
    Catherine: thanks so much
    Mardi: thanks
    VS hope ya like it
    girlichef: thanks
    Reeni: its so much fun to write love it

  24. Sounds very flavorful with masala! Congratulations on getting the blackwing's blog!

  25. Looks yummy! Good luck with your new adventure!

  26. thanks foodie with little thyme smiles

  27. I don't make spaghetti squash often. Each time, I do, I wonder why I don't make it weekly. It is so easy to give it a bonus flavor which is what you did.

  28. comfy cook: it was my first time but very cool you must give it a try

  29. Oh man girl, now you know I will have to try this one. I love squash, and made the spaghetti version recently...way to good...and I miss my hot spice on this trip!


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