Cool Find: Dandelion and Burdock

I found this in World Market today, love it, its a traditional soda in the UK, heres the history, I stems back from 1265! it is traditional made from fermented dandelion and burdock roots and is naturally fizzy. Most of them don't actually contain the real think just artificial flavors like Ginger ale!, but this one has the real stuff in it.

Go on try it a shot I know your curious!


  1. Interesting--a fun find for sure. So how does it taste? (Since I'll never find one here!) ;-)

  2. Deb: oh difficult to explain, a little like a medicinal coke!, Jasmine liked it !

  3. hmmm...never knew of it prior to this! Sounds like it would be wonderfully refreshing...and good for you ( sort of like how green tea works)... I guess ?

  4. I love World Market! What a great find for you.

  5. ooohhhh! we have a World Market here (one of my favorite places!)and I'll have to check this drink out and see if it's available at our store. Sounds most interesting for sure! ~Mina

  6. I will go looking for it. One of the children my kids play with is very interested in eating dandelions. This would be a great Christmas gift.

  7. Nat: um not sure about good for ya but tastes good lol
    Velva: oh that store is great but pricey!!!
    Mina: hope you like it my little one did
    foodie with a little thyme good idea

  8. Is a strange tasting drink, it reminds me slightly of the taste of American root beer.

  9. World Market is such fun - you never know what you will find.

  10. I was looking for this drink after reading your blog post a couple of days ago, hahaha, unfortunately, I can't find it here, :(

  11. Count me in for anything with dandelion and burdock; I love their flavors, and they have amazing health-supportive properties too. I'm going to look for this drink here in nyc - it must be somewhere!


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