Brunch at The Grove Park Inn

We had a great weekend, but now feeling pretty sleepy after the driving but we did some pretty cool stuff. On Saturday morning we ate breakfast in the Opryland Hotel in Nashville we stayed across the street as their prices were a bit crazy for us!
It is a spectacular hotel and worth a visit, it has 3 huge Atrium's full of palm tree's and tropical plants even orchids, with waterfalls and streams, wow is the right word. The food was expensive and so so, so if your in Nashville just do coffee LOL
The wedding was lovely the groom even danced down the aisle!

To break the Journey we stayed in Asheville NC, my favorite mountain town.
This morning we thought why not treat ourselves to Brunch at The historic Grove Park Inn. Again we choose not to pay their prices to stay, as Asheville is blessed with lots of good hotels, although this time of year with the leaves changing it may be very busy!

It was an Oktoberfest theme with a mixture of German foods and American. I have been to Germany they did a great job.

Eggs Benedict over bratwurst and German rye, apples, ham, cheese, red cabbage and fruit.
Made to order Omelette and salmon Jasmine and I like the salmon the best
Great coffee in a lovely cup

The buffet was beautiful with even an ice sculpture in there!

They even had fresh cakes, very good

So if you are visiting the beautiful Asheville NC be sure to visit the Grove Park Inn
for Brunch its a less expensive way ($30 per adult under 5 free) to sit and relax have first class food and enjoy the best view in the State well one of them LOL

(800) 438-5800 290 Macon Ave. Asheville, NC 28804

This is Jasmine taking a post brunch nap

So where is your favorite place for brunch and do you like the idea of brunch?


  1. That is so great that Jasmine like salmon! My youngest is giving me such a hard time with eating lately. Arghh... I hope this is a phase and it passes fast! He used to eat anything.

  2. What a great trip...great food...and wonderful photograph of your little one sleeping. Where do I like to go for brunch? Oh there is this little place out here in the country, on the way to a hiking lake. IT is run by wonderful is really a store for supplies but as the town grew around it it became more of a local place to gather. The owner, Bruce, makes the best smoked salmon ever...still in the back of the shop. They have this salmon chowder that is to DIE for!!!! Grin...nothing fancy...but a steamy bowl of chowder sitting under the large eaves in front of the store on a rainy fall day is like being in 'heaven'.

  3. Jasmine is so lovely! She is fairer than my girls, so I am guessing that your husband is North Indian?

    Although she's a lot like my #2 (fairer) child, so I could be wrong.

    Happy Diwali...did you have to light candles like me?

  4. Diana: oh I am sure it will pass soon Jasmine did the same stay calm and he will get better lol
    Trish: oh that place sounds amazing, you will have to add pics to your blog there was a lil place at the back of a village i lived in England like that their made great bacon and egg sandwiches!
    TKW oh he is South Indian as well, we were out of town for diwali candles sounds fun though lol

  5. I love the photo of Jasmine passed out. That's exactly what I would do after such an exquisite brunch!

  6. Brunch is such a relaxing meal. Philadelphia mag. just did a cover story on hot spots for brunch, I want to go to all of them!!Everything you posted looks so delicious.Figtreeapps

  7. Great food!I love the omelet and salmon:)Jasmine is adorable.

  8. oh brunch looks delicious! The views look gorgeous!

  9. I'm a weekend brunch person. I love the combination of salty and sweet foods, so if I can get a great omlette and some kind of pastry at the same time, I'm in heaven!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I really love Food Buzz!

  10. I adore brunches and love the October-twist to this opne. Jasmine is so smart - she knows when to nap.

  11. Fresh Local and Best: she is so sweet isn't she cool you can meet her!
    figtree: oh I bet that is a cool list to tick of
    Erica: oh that was my fav as well!
    Molly : oh foodbuzz rocks it connects us all so we can enjoy each others blogs lol
    simply life: you need to visit NC
    Claudia :
    oh yeah got to love babies

  12. Jasmine is so cute, she reminds me my little one who is the same age as her.
    Thanks for this great trip, yes you are right the German has a great food, I used to live there and I enjoyed eating at the restaurants there.

  13. I had to laugh at Jasmine passed out on the bed! I want a nap too!

    I am listing your flying tips on my facebook...

    Oh, and now I want brunch, or at least an omelet with a chocolate cake chaser :)

  14. Sabah: thats cool that our lil ones are the same its a great age lol
    Chef E oh naps are so good lol

  15. Opryland Hotel is huge....hope you didn't get lost. Was the guy still playing the grand piano on the balcony? We stayed there once at a convention and the rooms tend to be noisy unless you close your draperies well in the evening. You can hear the waterfalls.

    The Grove Park Inn has an annual gingerbread house contest every year around Christmas time. Jasmine would love it when she is older. Glad you had a great trip. Wish I lived nearer. I would have loved to meet you and your cute family.

  16. So cute! I love the idea of brunch! I like to eat a banana when I first get up and then brunch later and then a salad or more fruit in between 'brunch' and dinner. It is working for me to lose a few pounds.

  17. Sam: oh thats cool that you got to stay there yep saw the piano shame we couldn;t meet let me know if you ever come to Winston !
    Reeni:oh great job it you ever need help feel free to call or email me lol

  18. I would go to the same order: Omelette and salmon!
    I guess all the good food and fun made the beautiful angel tired.

  19. Jasmine is just adorable! What a great family trip!

  20. Angie oh so true lol
    petite nyonya: oh it was fun lol

  21. The hotel did served delicious breakfast and cakes as well! Love the omelette & salmon too. I'm sure Jasmine was terribly tired! Lovely post...he he..


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