Coconut Lamb Curry and an Award

I made this yesterday easy to make and so good, hubby was not so keen on the coconut milk but I love the stuff!


  • chopped lamb with bones
  • 1/2 can coconut milk
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 2 Cinnamon sticks
  • 2 tablespoon mutton masala powder
  • one spoon garam masala
  • 1/2 spoon coriander powder
  • 2 cloves
  • 3 green chili's
  • ginger/garlic paste
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 small tomatoes
  • 5 curry leaves
  • canola oil

  1. heat the oil and add the lamb with some masala powder and cook a little for 5 minutes and keep to one side
  2. then heat oil and ad the cinnamon and cloves, curry leaves, chili and onion and saute for 5 minutes
  3. add the tomato, ginger/garlic paste and garlic, coriander powder and masala power, turn to a low heat and let it reduce down to a paste
  4. then add the coconut milk, salt to taste and the lamb and let it slowly simmer for 20-30 minutes.
Great to eat with rice or chapatti.

Oh and the lovely Palidor passed this award on to me, she has a wonderful blog Crazy Asian Gal, I love the Beef Curry she just posted thanks so much I wish to give her the friends award

What are our favorite ways to cook lamb?


  1. i'm a huge fan of rogan josh...but this looks so much easier to make. I think it looks lovely !

  2. I've never cooked lamb. How sad is this? I love coconut too!

  3. I love lamb!! This looks so warming. Great job Rebecca!!

  4. MMM sounds and looks delicious! This time of year I love making apple cider glazed lamb chops. You can make them in the broiler and take no time at all!

    Thanks for visiting my site and your kind comments. I've been so busy lately and slacking with getting new content up but soon it's coming. Love what you have on your site! Cheers.

  5. ahhh..coconut milk...a delightful thing for any dish :)

  6. Nat: yep I usually make it another way by grinding spices and onion and making a paste its on here this was easier though
    the ungourmet: oh i think you will love it
    Diana: thanks lol
    my blissful bites: oh like the sound of that
    Jhonny i know right i added it to black channa the day before!

  7. I love it in a gyro! Believe it or not, I've never cooked lamb. This dish looks great.

  8. I like lamb shoulder chops just grilled until pink inside served a huge side of couscous. So good, any time of the year good..any time of the day good too!

  9. Yum yum ... this curry sounds delicious. I'll hv to cook this.

    Btw: you might like mine version: Lamb Curry Very easy to dish up, just put everything into the pot or wok and let it cook for 2 1/2 hrs. That's it.:)

  10. Congrats on your awards! the curry looks great with rice..

  11. Oh yeah! Num Num Num on this one R!

  12. Haha, nice dish, but no lamb for me. I have a lamb story...the other I was driving behind a pick up truck and he pulled over and as I passed I saw an animal. Thought it was a dog, but as I got closer it was a lamb in the back of the truck. That's the Azores for ya! now I have 4 baby cows in my back yard (sadly, one day they will be someone's dinner).

  13. Lov lamb curry,looks spicy and delish dear....would lov to eat with rice and roti...

  14. I don't like lamb, but I love the sauce...absolutely fantastic!

  15. Hi Rebecca, If you have time please stop by my site, to pick up a couple of awards I have for you.

  16. The Candid RD oh yeah the Greeks can really cook lamb well
    Michelle oh wow that sounds yummy
    the cooking Ninja will check it out easy is so good in my book lol
    peachkins: thanks
    Sophie: thanks so much
    thanks Chef E
    Melinda: oh but they have to eat right in Azores!
    Vrinda: roti for me!
    Erica: oh I guess you could add a different meat to it
    Laura thanks so much

  17. Aww, thanks Rebecca! *hugs* I'll display the award with my next post. My favorite way to cook lamb is curry, just like yours!

  18. Love curry and this sounds like a great recipe Rebecca! Haven't made a curry for quite a while.

    I would have to say my favorite lamb recipe is an herbed leg of lamb I found in the old Life Picture Cookbook. I really must make it soon so I can post it.

  19. Palidor thanks and my pleasure on the award lol
    Barbara: will look forward to the post

  20. We just made an amazing sheperd's pie with leftover lamb from a roast. Will be on my blog tomorrow.... Mmmmm.. Lamb!

  21. This looks so good! I'm going to have to get a hold of fresh curry leaves to make this recipe! I really like to have lamb in a curry stew, it's one of my favorite dishes!

  22. Anything with coconut milk is heavenly! This curry looks to die for! I'll have to add it to my files of "want to make!"

  23. The lamb curry sounds fantastic with coconut milk!

  24. fresh local and best oh you will find them in NYC hope you and hubs like it
    Nicole: thanks
    5 star foodie: thanks so much

  25. I have been digging on lamb lately and definitely going to give this a shot. Nicely done!


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