Half Hour Meals

Hi all my blog is featured on half hour meals today if you would like to know me better, also I bet you all know this site, but just in case you don't its a great place to list your blogs and post recipes, it has a great foodie community


  1. Congrats! Great interview. And thanks for the tip - I hadn't visited Half Hour Meals before, and it looks like a good resource.

  2. Congrats...I read the interview with great interest. Good for you gal....you are some busy woman!

  3. Nice interview Rebecca...Like a pro. I am in the company of a famous personality :)

  4. on my way to check it out!!

  5. Great interview! I enjoyed reading it :) I'm not familiar with half hour meals, but I'll have to check it out. Thanks.

  6. I knew the site....
    Haven't visited it for a little while..

    Angie's Recipes

  7. Wow Rebecca, Sounds like an excellent community to be apart of...& What an excellent review of your work ! ... You go girl ! : )

  8. Nancy: oh you will like the site
    Trish: thanks lol
    Jhonny: no no blushes
    Rebecca: nice site
    Kenny: thanks
    The candid RD list your blog there
    Angie: its growing all the time
    Nat thanks your so sweet

  9. Congratulations! I was featured a few weeks ago too! I am so happy for you! Going to read your interview now...happy blogging!

  10. Congrats to you - this is quite wonderful - and was very helpful!

  11. Congrats Rebecca, you write a great blog so deserve to be featured.

  12. Catherine: oh I read it lol
    Claudia: thanks sorry bout the snow up there!
    Janice: thanks so much

  13. Congrats! Rebecca. I will have to check out the Half Hour Meals. -Tien

  14. Way to go...I'm on my way to check it out! You are on a roll, girl!

  15. Congrats! It was nice getting to know you better!


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