What Does Your Mouth Say about Your Health!


This is a great article talking about what a good dentist will see inside your mouth and how it correlates with your overall health 

beef red gums: heart disease
bleeding gums: type 2 diabetes
acid damaged teeth: acid reflux
black spots on x-rays: osteoporosis
big tongue: sleep apnea
swollen gums often bleeding: pregnancy I remember bleeding more when pregnant its related to the high levels of oestrogen this also causes the glow!
thin upper teeth and enamel erosion: bulimia

So make sure you keep up with your annual exam its more than just your teeth!

Oh and a little reminder about the giveaway I will judge it on saturday 

Rebecca, oh and my baby is so much better today LOL


  1. Hmm.. it sounds like foot reflexology to me, very interesting. Thanks for the info.

  2. OMG! I'm rushing to see myself in a mirror! very informative as usual :) Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Great article....love all the info on your blog! Thanks so much. :-)

  4. Interesting stuff. Our bodies have so much to say about what's going on.

  5. That is really interesting! Thank you!

  6. interesting. All that just from our mouths. Now I'll be checking in the mirror, too. LOL

  7. Lisa: thanks
    Kenny: no problem
    Ann: he he
    Hannah: thanks appreciate it
    Berni so true
    CG the foodie thanks
    Jenn: he he, hope you like what you see!
    Anthony thanks

  8. wow, very insightful. I don't have many problems with my mouth, but I do have some enamel problems...from whitening!! I used whitening strips for about 3 months and my teeth became super sensitive. My dentist told me it ruined my enamel :( But my teeth are sparkling white!

  9. You post interesting and very helpful stuff here....thanks!

  10. Guess what? I haven't been to the dentist in more than 9 years. I had no idea your teeth can show your overall health!

  11. Gina: aw well you must have very pretty teeth he he
    Peachkins: hows Thailand?
    Burp and slurp wow 9 yrs


  12. Thanks for this!! I knew alot of it, but it's always good for a refresher...I actually need to schedule my check up soon :D

  13. this is great information about teeth i dont know some of them and its relation to our health...great post

  14. On my way to my mirror.. what interesting info you have!

  15. WOW!!

    I love this blog post. Thanks for sharing all the information. I just went and looked in the mirror!! Have a great day.


  16. So glad to hear your baby is better. Very interesting info here. I'm suffering with painful TMJ lately. No fun. For a while you could hear my jaw crack all the way across the room. Getting better, but slowly.

  17. Girlichef: yep schedule, i need to do but have a rubbish dental plan !
    Lilian: thanks
    Donna: thanks
    Ginger: hope you liked what your saw
    Sam: she is back to her old self today oh I hope your Jaw gets better you poor thing

  18. v interesting info..thx 4 sharing....u have wonderful...will keep visiting

  19. thanks for visiting Subhie will read yours also rebecca


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