Thursday's Sunday Roast!

Hi all so my Mum and Dad are here from Scotland so we invited friends over for dinner tonight and cooked a traditional Sunday roast, with roast beef, veggies, gravy and yorkshire puddings yummy. Then for dessert with had peach crumble (like cobbler) and custard!
Good food and good company, come on over and pull up a chair!

Oh and with the lovely Girlichef's help and my Mum I made a badge for my blog, it was such fun, you can get the code on the right hand side LOL



  1. This looks absolutely delicious! Enjoy the visit with you parents!

  2. Looks like you had a great visit! I grabbed your badge earlier!

  3. It looks like such a lovely meal. It's so nice to see generations of families sitting around the table. Blessings...Maryfailies

  4. I bet it was some superb chow...and chatter :P You did a great job on your's on my blog!

  5. Sunday roasts don't have to be on Sundays anymore. =)

  6. Looks like a wonderful family time and an excellent meal!

  7. love the new header...I love having meals with my family...

  8. Lovely dinner, I like to surprise my family with a Sunday roast on weekdays, because everyone loves it. I'm taking your badge with me.

  9. Rebecca,I just put your badge on my blog, the link works, but the picture doesn't show. Have you moved the badge picture somewhere else in Photobucket?

  10. what a feast! food look delicious.

  11. what a feast! foods look delicious.

  12. hehe.....Roast Anytime!
    Looks like your parents are having some good time with their granddaughter...

    Angie's Recipes

  13. Yum, sounds delicious! The peach cobbler sounds especially good, a perfect summer dessert!

    I like your new picture for your header. I need to learn how to do that. I'm not so great with computers, I'm impressed with your skill!

  14. Krista: thank you
    The ungourmet: thanks I will get yours if you have one LOL
    Mary: 3 generations amazing, thanks
    Girlichef: thank you again for your help, it means a lot
    Jenn: he he
    5 star foodie was a fun night
    peachkins: fun, thanks I made it he he
    Danjana: thanks did you copy it fully I tried it and it worked LOL will get yours do you have one?
    Rossel thanks, thanks for visiting
    Angie: its very cute to see them together
    Gina: girlichef helped me, was fun LOL


  15. How yummy! Enjoy your time together!

  16. sure Sweta come on over but its all chopped for Jasmine!!
    thanks Reeni

  17. What a great post! I just love family dinners :) I'm going to grab your badge, love it and great idea. I'm going to make one to, thanks for the inspiration ;)

  18. Diana let me know and I will add yours also LOL

  19. That looks delicious!
    Enjoy your family.

  20. Thanks Erica,

    Tangled noodle thanks was fun to make, do you have one will need to add to my blog

  21. Thank you very much for a wonderful resource !!!


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