Butternut Squash: Indian Style!

Ingredients: 1/2 a butternut squash, 1/2 red onion, masala powder, chili powder, salt, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, 4 dried red chilli's.
1. heat canola oil and pop mustard seeds add onion, coriander seeds and chilli's, after 5 min add masala powder and chili powder to taste.
2. add chopped butternut squash and cover with a lid cook on medium heat for about 20 min until soft.

This is a great and spicy dish rich in vitamin A, Vitamin C and Potassium.

Enjoy ....


  1. hmmnn.. no butternut squash here..I think our local market only sells the fairytale pumpkin..

  2. What a delicious way to prepare the butternut squash. YUM! I am adding your button to my blog, by the way.

  3. peachkins i guess it would work with any pumkin
    thanks Donna, ditto LOL

  4. Yummy squash. Perfect for summer dish right here!

  5. This does sound delicious. I'll keep it in mind for cooler summer days.

  6. I have half a massive spaghetti squash in my fridge and will be trying your recipe with it tomorrow....I love Indian flavors...I hope the texture of spag squash goes well with them!
    Thanks for another fabulous recipe!

  7. Yum! I love all the spices in this.

  8. Healthy recipe! Enjoy cooking..

  9. Jenn: would actually be good with salad
    Sweta; you must post your version
    Kenny: no problem
    Mary: hope you like it
    Hannah: all the best not sure about spag squash never cooked it before let me know LOL
    Deb: thanks
    MJ thanks

  10. I love butternut squash. Would this dish be as delish cold for those really hot summer days? If I can find butternut squash I will be giving it a try. Thanks for the recipe.

  11. One of my favorite things! I love this spicy version!

  12. What a delicious and healthy recipe! Love the new look :)

  13. Cate I don't see why it wouldn't work cold, let me know how it worked LOL
    finsmom thanks
    reeni ; i know great veg i need to use it more LOL

  14. Looks yum and would lov to eat with rice...

  15. Wonderful flavors for the butternut squash in this recipe!

  16. I am so behind! This look absolutely delicious. I've got a mess of sweet potatoes that I know would taste awesome prepared this way.


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