Spicy Baked Mushrooms

This one is easy and tasty simply cut up some mushrooms, with a few cloves of Garlic, a little butter or olive oil and some garam masala and salt and bake at 400 degrees for 15 min. 

I ate this today with dal, okra and rice, yummy. It was so nice to have my Mum and Dad here to celebrate fathers day with hope you all had a good day with your Dad's




  1. I love me some mushrooms. Nice idea to bake them. don't think I maked mushrooms, yet. At least from what I can remember.

  2. I always like them stuffed with seafood, and stir-fried. Shall try them grilled next time!

  3. I am going to try this one for sure--I love mushrooms and this is so simple too.

  4. Yummy, I usually sautée mine, but I'm sure these were equally good.
    Father's day is celebrated earlier in Italy (can never remember the date, but I know it's several weeks before Mother's day)

  5. Easy and delicious...perfect.

    Happy Father's Day to the daddies in your family

  6. Love mushrooms, always looking for a new way to make them. These look great

  7. Nothing beats mushrooms and garlic. Mushrooms are my all time FAVORITE vegetable. I love them plain, on sandwiches, on pizza, they are great! Have a good day. I'm glad you got to enjoy some time with your parents :)

  8. Very simple, but sounds delicious. I love mushrooms.

  9. An easy and totally yummy recipe

  10. Thanks for dropping by at my blog. Will be a regular visitor here. A good mix of news related to food.

  11. Adi and I love mushrooms-I just saute it and then add some salt and pepper for him. He even loves it when I make burgers with it for him!
    Good to know that your parents enjoy Indian food :)

  12. Wow... thats an easy recipe with mushroom...looks yum..

  13. Great idea, love the addition of garam masala to the mushrooms!

  14. Nice!! Mushrooms are my favorrrite :) I've never made them that way, though! Can't wait to try!

  15. cg the foodie, thanks
    Jenn: so easy
    Angie: oh stuffed sounds good
    Deb hope you like it
    Dajana: oh mothers day is different between the UK and the US also
    Peachkins thanks so sweet of you
    Denise enjoy
    Gina: i love mushrooms to
    Erica: give it a try
    Girlichef: thank
    Sophie : simple is good he he
    Ann; thanks
    MA: come back anytime lol
    Sweta; oh they love it came to India for our wedding!
    Vrinda: thanks
    5 star foodie thanks
    Sarah another new thing for ya!


  16. What a great way to treat mushrooms! I'll be making these!!!

  17. Sounds great! I'm a huge fan of mushrooms. I don't prepare them nearly as often as I could. Yum.

  18. I love mushrooms. I love mushrooms. Love them. I even love them out of a can. This is a totally happy dish.

  19. hannah : enjoy
    Lori: thanks oh my hubby had fun in brazil now have coffee he eh
    lisa: me too!


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