Find Your Local Farmers Market...

I came across this site for North Carolina, its awesome just put in your county and it tells you where your local farmers market is. It also has a produce schedule so then you know when your goodies are in season. I have a great little garden center near my house that sells fresh produce, how blessed we are to have farmers.
This site is Nationwide, check out your local farmers markets and enjoy and tell us all about it..



  1. I love finding things like this!

  2. I love farmer's markets and the fresh food. We've got a special chef/farmer event going on at ours in San Antonio on Saturday where the chefs prepare recipes using the farmer's food.

  3. it's really good that you have something like this..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, I thought it was for international, haha

  6. Farmer's markets are the best. I go at least once a week. Just the fresh produce my local farms. I love it.

  7. Chou cool uh!
    Gloria: that sounds awesome have fun
    Peachkins: i know
    sorry Kenny rebecca

  8. Every Thursday morning, there's a farmer market here, where I usually can find some good spices and marinades, only the price there is usually higher.

  9. I so wish I had one near my house.
    Luckily my garden is starting to give first produce - just picked up two lovely, fresh, crispy and tastiest ever zucchini yesterday. Yay!

  10. That exact chart was in the Columbus Disptach and delivered to my front door about a week ago :) It was perfect! I love farmer's markets.

  11. Thanks for the website! Totally cool!

  12. You are so tru.. We are lucky to have farmers:) I love the farmers market in detroit.. One of the oldest. everything is so fresh and reasonable there.

  13. wow this is an interesting post.......nice findings!!!

  14. Angie need to come to your town on thurs then!
    Dajana so we will see good zucchini recipes lol
    Gina: thats cool
    Steph no prob
    Ann: thats nice
    Aruna: thanks

  15. I love have a link on my blog!! You can get a newsletter and get updates from all farms in your many great things here.

  16. nice finding your blog and coming across a chart like this. i need to find one for Atlanta as well. would make weekends so great! I'll be back.

    Bren @

  17. I loved the State Farmer's Market in Raleigh but we have a nice large one in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, I don't get out to it as often b/c it's about a 35 min drive. On early weekend mornings, it's a bit tough to get up at 5:30am to beat the crowds! We have a smaller one nearby but the choices are still a bit slim right now - MN produce won't really be ready for a another week or two yet. I'll be patient . . .

  18. Girlichef: its cool isn't it
    Bren: thanks for visiting will check out your site LOL
    Tangled noodle I am sure it will be worth the wait lol


  19. Thanks for commenting on my blog, Cafe Lynnylu. My daughter lives in Winston also, and has two little ones. I will send her these links. She gets a CSA box weekly and loves to shop at the Greensboro Farmers Market.

  20. Lynnlu thanks whats CSA? a delivery of produce? come and visit when you can Rebecca


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