Kala Chana - Black Chick Peas Curry

This is a nice simple recipe for kala chana little dry chick peas, good source of protein and fiber, and I will eat them tonight with chapatti, lovely!

Ingredients: chana, ginger/garlic paste, coconut shredded, 1/2 red onion, salt, masala powder, 1 green chili, curry leaves, tomatoes and a little tomato puree and tamarind paste.

1. Soak the chana in water overnight
2. pressure cook the chana 4 times, with onion and tomato, these little things need a lot of whistles to soften them up!
3. fry onion, chili, curry leaves in canola oil, add masala powder, and tomato and let it reduce down, then add the pressure cooked chana, tamarind paste and coconut and simmer for 20-30 min to let all the flavors sink in and get soft.

Enjoy, oh and don't forget to check out the giveaway in my previous post you have this month to send your recipes, looking forward to it, using one of my favourite things in the world coffee in any way you like!



  1. I don't get as much chick peas as I should in my diet. It's not too late yet. I've got to try this one. Delish!

  2. that does sound pretty easy! nice! and I love chick peas :)

  3. that sounds like a nice healthy recipe. i'm looking for some different sources of protein so that would be good! your coffee contest sounds fun!!

  4. What a great dish, and with chapatti perfecto!

  5. I'm a chick pea lover, so I can only imagine how delicious this dish must be!

  6. Sounds delicious. I love to add chickpeas to my salads, I am sure I would like this dish!

  7. Jenn: was so good, give it a try
    Sarah: yep easy
    Kristin: thanks
    Sunny: you will have to enter
    Bernie: was so good had chapatti and snow peas and this yum
    Sharon: chick peas rock
    Donna: thats a good idea I need to do that


  8. I love chick peas and I can just imagine how delicious this is!

  9. there you go inspiring me again! I love chickpeas...sound great this way :)

  10. This sounds very good! I need to get some chik peas and try it!

  11. Now I am craving chick peas and curry--it looks and sounds delicious!

  12. Healthy, delicious recipes are a signature of Rebecca

  13. I love black chick pea and this curry looks so yumm.

  14. Bridgett: give it a try
    Girlichef: thanks, thats how I feel when I read your and everyones blogs
    5 star foodie sounds like a plan
    Deb: ditto
    Angie: try to, lol
    Happy Cook, isn't it great and so filling


  15. Kala channa tastes great-in Kerala they have this for breakfast!!

  16. I love all your recipes, so interesting. I'd love to travel like you some day to discover all the many interesting cuisines out there. You should have a tv show! Thanks for your comment on my blog, he's quite the character :) Glad you liked the recipe.

  17. I love chick peas and curry so this sounds like a winner for me!


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