Micro blogging on iMDAdvisor.com

Just a wee note to say I am now micro blogging for www.iMDadvisor.com a website that serves as a portal for health information, its a gate way for folks to get brief information, then go to other sites for more details.
Its  fun and a good experience for me, as I try and find my way in the freelance writing world. 

I am on a steep learning curve, and there's a lot of rejections along the way, but the Key is to learn, find what folks want and keep practicing to improve in writing and never never never give up.....

 Oh and I will judge the giveaway with my Mum and Dad and announce the winner June 27th before going to the beach, then come from Scotland on tuesday!!

Love Rebecca


  1. Congrats Reb-great going!!Way to go!!!
    Going now to check it out :)

  2. Congratulations. It sounds like it will be great experience!

  3. How wonderful! Wish you all the best!

  4. Congratulation Rebecca! Glad your following what I shared with you.
    Best regards,

  5. Thanks all unpaid but experience is very helpful love rebecca


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