Tea and Cake

Grandma Johnson's Chocolate Cake - Enjoy - Rebecca

Ingredients: 4 eggs weigh these carefully,e.g.9.5 ozs
Equal wt. of Good margarine
Caster sugar and few drops of vanilla essence.
2 tea spoons water
Method Mix in an electric mixer until smooth and add equal wt of self raising flour,which has been thoroughly sifted.

The tins used are very important, only use the best none stick variety.
I also line them with a fine greaseproof paper.

Bake in Oven gas mark 5 (375) for 35 min or until firm to touch

Variations. Flavourings can be Chocolate,ie,4 teaspoons cocoa mixed to a
fine paste with boiled water left to become cool.
Coffee also mixed with hot water and cooled.
Coconut of fine variety,1 tablespoon and a little grated orange

Enjoy Margaret Johnson


  1. A-ha,the legendary 'English Tea Party'!!No hot scones with fresh jam and sandwiches?
    Reminds me of the Enid Blyton books I read as a kid!


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