Obama's to Have a Veggie Garden

Wow this is one to post, the Obama's are going to have a veggie garden on the White house lawn, planted and cared for by local school kids. It will have 55 varieties of vegetables, berries and herbs, the chefs are excited to start cooking up the goodies.

What a great example for the nation, home grown healthy foods.


Thats a lot of posts for today! but couldn't resist to add this one, I am personally thrilled about it.


  1. Wow-looks like the President and the first family believe in leading by example.
    I'm waiting for the "Farmers Market" to open-reminds me of the "Bazaars" back in India!!

  2. I love the markets in India and the haggling!!

  3. I was interested in your website until I saw your silly post about our douche bag president. Now i am not interested at all. Here's a little business tip. Don't include politics with your business. ;)


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