10 tips to lose baby weight

1. Walk with baby in baby carrier as the little one grows the workout will get more intense!, great for you and baby to get out in the fresh air and explore new places.
2. Do floor exercises with baby for examples chest lifts, sit ups
3. Put baby in bouncer next to you as you do the stationary bike or treadmill - read stories and sing to entertain baby and you
4. On Rainy days go to the mall and walk with baby, try to avoid the baby clothes shops he he
5. Dance with baby, babies love the dancing. Also its great to introduce the little one to music from around the world.
6. If you are lucky enough to have a staircase in the house, go up and down as many times as you can. That really helped me. Especially if baby's room is upstairs you will be up and down all day for diaper changes!
7. Do squats with baby
8. Go swimming with baby
9. When baby is a little bigger get an attachment for your bicycle and cycle together
10. Do lots of animal impressions will make baby laugh and get your heart pumping.

So don't be disheartened with patience and a little imagination you can get back down to your normal weight, and have fun doing it.


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