Walk to Boost Immunity

Recent Research shows that even walks for 30-45 minutes 5 times a week improves immune function and also improves the bodies response to the flu vaccine.

Researchers from The Appalachian State University carried out research on subjects for 12-15 weeks and found that walking for 45 minutes at a brisk pace 5 times a week improved immunity, reduced occurrence of infections and reduced sick days.

So try and walk more, and have less sniffles! yet another one of the many benefits of physical activity. When the weather is as cold as its been think about getting a stationary bike or treadmill.

I use the treadmill after Jasmine goes to sleep and read food blogs on the laptop!
Or dance around with her LOL



  1. I walk 3-5 miles a day so maybe that is why I didn't get the flu this year! I better keep it up ;) Happy New Year to you.

  2. YES! This is so true. Before I started working out in college, I got sick all of the time. Since I started to exercise, though, I can count on one hand the number of times I've felt ill at all. I definitely attribute it to running.

    Whenever I feel like I'm about to get sick, I run it out of my system. I like to think that I sweat out the bacteria lol.

  3. The idea of you dancing with Jasmine is so cute! It's too cold outside for a run, but I will definitely hop onto the treadmill more often.

  4. That is just cool..because I work out a lot..but still I enjoy the walk outside so much...actually during the holidays when the gyms were closed...it was a nice nice thing :)

  5. The greatest thing about NYC is we walk everywhere! Of course, walking on a 28 degree day like today isn't so enjoyable:)

    Love that you dance around with little Jasmine.

  6. I walk about 3-4 miles a day. I started about 12 years ago and don't recall the last time I was really sick.

  7. When you have beautiful scenery like this, who would not want to walk!

    I love to swim as well...does she like the water yet? Swim lessons at the YMCA...

  8. I'm going on a walk this evening!

  9. Hi Rebekka

    Thank you for your comment on my food blog, I would be honored to guest post on your site. Just let me know how and when and what you want me to write about.

    Gudmundur Palmason

  10. I hope I could do that everyday on my threadmill too!

  11. I hardly do any walking in the winter time (lazy, I know!), but this is great motivation to get me moving!

  12. Wow... walking on a tread mill and reading food blogs...what a great idea. We try to walk almost everyday. It's good for you.

  13. Bridgett: thats wonderful great job
    Joanne: oh your inspiring keep up the good work
    fresh local and best: smiles
    Jhnonny: great job working out oh I agree can't beat walking outside
    Peggy: will be better when she can get up on her feet better lol
    Katherine: cool another walker lol
    Mimi: wonderful
    Chef E; oh I got it of line oh she likes swimming i need to take her more
    Didan: sounds like a plan
    Gudmundur: email me that would be great
    peachkins: I hope you can lol
    Mireya: its tough to be motivated but this is a good reason to lol

  14. Sam: thats wonderful and it must be so pretty where you are lol

  15. I'd love to walk up those stairs. Walking is such a good way to exersise. Love that it helps boost immunity.

  16. I didn't know that about the flu vaccine - neat! No wonder I didn't get sick this year....flu shot + exercise!

  17. I love to walk with my golden retriever. Now its just too cold, he sits by his leash waiting for me to take him.."sorry Buddy too chilly for mommie!!!" Happy New Year!

  18. I'm trying to imagine you reading food blogs on the treadmill and dancing around with your daughter haha!

  19. Lyndsey great place I googled walking trails lol, oh I love walking as well
    prevention RD: I know cool research great work with the the exercise
    figtree; oh poor puppy lol
    three hungry tummies: I will take a snap and post it for you!!

  20. hello
    i need to know how you mange the treadmill and the laptop at the sametime ...because i would love mastering the art of working out while reading food blogs....
    otherwise, i guess i'll walk tomorrow as usual, even if it s freezing in south carolina where usually it s so warm!
    take care and thanks for your visit1

  21. I'm trying to get back to my lunch time walk! It's so cold outside! Ack!

    Guess I'll march in place for a while at my desk??

  22. radtouille:my pleasure I live in NC not far from you yep unseasonable cold
    yum yucky oh i know hope it warms up lol

  23. That's good news! I walk on a treadmill too! For 45 minutes at a time a couple days a week - trying to get up to every day.

  24. Just another reason why I should get moving. Usually I'm good about exercise, just fall of the wagon now and then.

  25. Reeni: thats great keep up the good work
    unplanned cooking: dance with your lil ones lol


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