Rebecca's Pad See Ew

I went to Greensoboro NC the other day and we ate in our favorite Vietnamese restaurant, then I went shopping in the Vietnamese Grocery store, and got some fresh Thai Basil and Pad Thai noodles and came up with this. Now its not completely Authentic its Rebecca's Version!


for the sauce:
  • 2 big spoon's of oyster sauce
  • one big spoon of soy sauce
  • tablespoon of fish sauce
  • dash of peanut sauce
  • ginger/garlic paste
  • dash of rice wine vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon chili garlic paste
  • one teaspoon Thai Garden Spice
Other Ingredients:
  • chopped broccoli one bunch
  • handful of snow peas
  • pack of fresh pad Thai noodles
  • 1/2 red bell pepper
  • some frozen pea's
  • Shrimp
  • shallots
  • one egg
  1. mix all of the ingredients for the sauce together in a bowl and set aside
  2. saute shallots, pepper and veggies and shrimp in canola oil and scramble the egg into it for 5-10 minutes
  3. mean while cook the noodles for 3 minutes in boiling water and drain
  4. then add to the wok with the sauce and mix well
Oh I adore this kind of cooking, so quick and healthy, whats your favorite style of cooking?


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  1. Your Asian inspired soup looks deliicous. I love Asian soups with noodles. They are healthy and are soul satisfying.

  2. That is a very good effort! well done!

  3. Looks delicious - I adore Asian food and make too little of it. I think Rebecca's version is grand!

  4. This looks just wonderful! Believe it or not, I've never tried Vietnamese food!!!

  5. This dish looks amazing. I love ordering this dish at the restaurant. Take out fake outs are the best. Wallet friendly and no need to go out in this cold weather.

  6. I think this looks terrific! Super! And my boys would agree that this is the best type of cooking...probably mine too but I am not as familiar with it so I'd say....Indian cooking!

  7. A beautiful dish--Thai food is one of my favorites to cook and eat!

  8. I would have been completely fooled if you didn't tell us that it was your own creation. It looks like Pad Thai! I love Thai Basil. Looks great, Rebecca!

  9. This look great!
    I love Thai food coz it is tasty and healthy. But with your special touch this soup become more delicious.
    Love Always.

  10. Obviously I mainly eat Italian food, but asian noodles, with those sorts of flavours involved are very high up on my list of favourites too.

  11. Vietnamese cuisine is very fascinating. Love their noodles, including this one! Yummmm....

  12. Looks darn authentic to me!
    Fabulous photo- made my mouth water!

  13. I love this kind of cooking too! Obviously great minds think alike, because I did a South Asian-inspired soup recently too! Yummy.

  14. Never tasted this dish..looks and sounds yummm

  15. Rebecca's Version looks amazing! You have some great flavors going on here and I like the ease of your recipe, also. Many thanks...

  16. Wow, no wonder I could smell something Asian here!!! Impressive!

  17. Velva: thanks so much
    3 little tummies: thanks that means a lot coming from you as your a pro
    Claudia: oh thanks you so sweet
    Renata; oh you would love it
    mom on the run: unless you live in a community where there is Thai people it generally isn't good best at home
    Trish: I am just learning so will test recipes for ya!
    Deb: oh and your great at it lol
    Kitchen M: aw thanks
    alwaysawinner; thanks
    Luigi: oh your Italian cooking is to die for LOL
    Christine: thanks
    Barbara: thanks smiles
    Tasty Trix; yep they do lol
    Vrinda: give it a try
    George: thanks

  18. Kenny: aw thanks and you know food lol

  19. This dish is right up my alley. -Tien :)

  20. I love one dish meal, like this one. Simple and healthy ;)

  21. I love Pad Thai noodles and my New Years resolution is to cook more Asian inspired dishes like on Marc @ No Recipes blog site!

  22. Pad see ew has to be one of my favorite thai dishes. I love it when restaurants inspire me to recreate things! Delicious.

  23. I enjoy Asian food so much and also enjoy putting my own together too!

    This looks wonderful Rebecca! This dish looks and sounds very authentic to me!

  24. I liked the name :D..must be delicious too..:-)

  25. Tien: oh thanks
    Anncoo: thanks
    Chef E: oh thats a cool plan
    Joanne: oh food blogs inspire me the most lol
    Katherine; thanks so much pleased u liked it lol
    teresa thanks
    Angie thanks want some!
    Gulmohar: thanks

  26. I like that type of cooking too!
    Wanted to let you know that I am giving away some goodies I brought back with me from Lebanon, in case you're interested!

  27. I like to order this at Thai restaurants! Thanks for the recipe!

  28. That looks great. I actually did an Asian type dish tonight and it turned out really well.

  29. Looks practically authentic! Just add some bean sprouts! Looks simple and good!

  30. tasteofbeirut: on my way over to your blog!
    Sook: my pleasure
    Melinda: oh thats cool and loved your Indian post
    Pauline: thanks will do that next time lol
    lk: thanks so much

  31. That looks good ! ur so adventurous !

  32. That looks delicious! I need to learn a good recipe for peanut sauce :) Love these kind of pasta dishes.

  33. I have never tried pad thai but it always looks so delicious. This recipe looks great!

  34. thanks Zurin
    Diana: oh fresh rice noodles rock
    swankyrd: thanks

  35. I just moved to Greensboro and am looking for some good Asian restaurants. Think you could pass along the name?


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