Bread Baby!

Hi all, so this month for Healthy Bread in 5 min a day we were to make the whole wheat sandwich loaf, hamburger buns and apple strudel bread. I made the sandwich bread, all in all its a nice bread softer than the master recipe, but I will stick with the master recipe for everyday bread, no eggs and easy to make!
In fact when we got back from our trip late Saturday night with the snow storm I made up the dough, left it out to rise overnight and made fresh bread for breakfast with the preserves I got from Saint. Martin, delicious!
For the apple bread you roll out the dough and fill it with apples, sugar, raisins and cinnamon roll it up and bake. This was yummy and another great breakfast food, Jasmine and I gobbled this up.

and Bhavesh kindly gave me this award, he has a fun blog with amazing photography from India
Superior Scribbler Award

What's your favorite kind of Breakfast bread?

Have a wonderful week everyone


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  1. Fab looking apple bread! I've been bearing apple obsession for about four months now. staring to drool on my keyboard looking at this display.... Cinnamon apple cranberry bread is my all time favorite for breakfast.

  2. I absolutely adored both of these breads! The whole wheat bread is definitely my PB+J sandwich bread of choice, but the master loaf would be better for more savory sandwiches. Like paninis.

    Beautiful pictures!

  3. I really like the look of that apple cinnamon bread. I don't tend to eat bread for breakfast but love croissants if I do.

  4. Oh yum! They both look fabulous! But my favorite is the apple/cinnamon one! I love the big pieces of apples there.

  5. I'd have to say I've never met a bread I didn't like:) For breakfast anything sweet - cinnamon rolls, pecan rolls, or any kind of coffee cake!

  6. Does a donut count as breakfast food;D
    All of your bread looks like it turned out wonderfully. Makes me wish that I had gotten around to making that apple strudel bread. It looks so yummy!

  7. Looks good Rebecca! I now have the book but need to get a few pieces of equipment before I can start rolling with HBin5. Looking forward to it through and so encouraged by how easy you are making it looK!

  8. Nice. I love the stuffed loaf with apples and cinnamon. Yum yum!!! I'd probably snack on that all day long.

  9. I don't know what's up with me but I've been pretty much shying away from bread this past year. Yours looks delicious though! I need to not be afraid of 'carbs' Carbs are good!



  10. I love all bread that is homemade. Yours look awesome here, especially that apple connamon bread.

  11. I love bread and yours looks good. My fave breakfast bread is really not a bread exactly, but I love cheese danish.

  12. Bread stuffed with apples,sounds too good and yummmm. congrats on ur awards...

  13. Great job Rebecca! Those are fantastic looking breads..

  14. Oh I love bread like this. So nutritious and yummy too! Thank you.

  15. redkathy: oh that sounds good, heres a slice
    Joanne: thanks so much yep the master is great for savory stuff
    Janice: oh croissants heaven
    Sari: thanks so much
    sweet and savory: oh good choices and I love all bread as well
    Kim: oh there's still time, I didn't make all 3 either
    Mardi: a stone helps looking forward to seeing your posts
    Jenn: oh heres a slice for u
    peacelovenutrition yep all in moderation right
    Mary: thanks
    Melinda: oh thats good
    Vrinda: thanks
    peachkins: thanks smiles
    sook: thanks

  16. all of the bread you have been making looks so good, i definitely want to try to make some. great pictures!

  17. Oh I would love a slice of that apple bread with a cup of tea!!!

  18. Looks so good, I could use a slice right now, I am starving!

  19. That bread looks great! Did you give the link for the recipe? I have to make this bread baby!

  20. Mmm! bread. that's all you have to say.

  21. Love the gorgeous color of your bread! I'm sure this was fabulous for breakfast!

  22. Does Monkey Bread count as a breakfast bread...LOL!

    Your bread looks amazing :)

  23. I always like sourdough, any kinda sourdough, your apple bread looks yum!

  24. femalechef: thanks yours is also fab
    Claire: thanks so much
    figtree; oh yep good with tea here you go lovie
    Michelle: thanks so much here you go
    Jhnonny: oh you must get the book its great
    Chef E: for the recipe get the book sob not allowed to post it
    yum yucky: smiles
    Barbara Bakes; thanks
    mom on the run: oh I want to try monkey bread
    Kenny: oh love sourdough as well

  25. I love the apple stuffed bread, it look so delicious. I'm a bread baker and eater, I can't resist a fresh loaf or roll.

  26. I didn't get to make the apple bread- yours looks wonderful.

  27. That looks delish! I loved this dough - and changed it up to make it a little healthier (I think), with no change in quality. Your apple bread looks incredible!

  28. Looks great. For breakfast I like any type of good crusty bread with some butter and homemade jam

  29. They both look great, but like you, I prefer my everyday bread to be without eggs.

  30. ahhh. ..apples in bread! delicious idea! :)

  31. You see? Now you are addicted to baking bread! Isn't it fun??

  32. The apple bread looks delicious. Mine just didn't work well. I'm way jealous.

  33. I've got that book sitting right here on my table - Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day! I've been up for a couple hours and there's no bread yet - am I supposed to make it or something?? HA HA I can't wait to try some things in it. My favorite for breakfast is cinnamon raisin - yummmm! ♥

  34. Mimi : oh its cool that i can now call myself a bread maker as well lol
    Christie: oh this was nice you can make it later no worries
    RJ Flamingo: oh thats cool you made it healthier thanks so much for the kind words
    Petra: oh wow homemade jam heaven
    Dajana: smiles
    Sophie: thanks so much
    Zurin: not mine the books he he
    Trix: oh your right i love it
    Elwood: oh it will be wonderful next time
    the imperfect housefwife: you crack me up he he

  35. Fabulous looking bread Rebecca.Makes me hungry:)I love Panninis.

  36. I loved this recipe too! I still have a few slices in the freezer and pull them out for toast.

  37. All bread is my favorite bread. I could have yours right now as I sit. Apple bread in all its goodness. Delicious!

  38. That looks lovely, I never stuffed a bread before.

    My favourite breakfast bread would be real French croissants but I suppose they are technically pastries?

  39. I gobbled mine up too. So delicious! Great job on your bread!

  40. Ezzie; thanks
    Nina: oh love paninis as well
    savoring time in the kitchen oh great idea to freeze them
    Claudia: heres a slice for you sweet Claudia
    Sarah: thanks oh yeah croissants heaven
    Heather B thanks

  41. Your bread looks terrific. I really enjoyed the apple struesel bread. Loved the combo of cinnamon, apple and raisins. Plus, it was fun to make!

  42. That apple cinnamon bread sure looks delicious! Yum!

  43. Your bread turned out really good. My apple bread was abit of a disaster. :)
    Does the HBin5 WW bread contain eggs? The one in ABin5 doesn't and I liked it very much.

  44. I can't say that I've ever tried to make that apple bread... what a fantastic idea, perfect for a lazy Saturday morning treat! Thanks for sharing!

  45. Fresh bread is the best! I love bread for breakfast-toasted with a fried egg on top, maybe a slice of cheese.

  46. Yummy, yummy, yummy delicious.....looks great. I love pecan bread

  47. you did a beautiful job with your breads rebecca!!

  48. Teresa: oh that was a fun one, yours rocks
    Cathy: thanks
    Aparna; your rolls are great though the master recipe has no eggs
    nutrilgrain mill thanks
    Judy: thanks
    Jenny: oh that sounds fab
    kitchen butterfly thanks smiles
    Teresa: aw thanks


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