Russian Pirogi

Hi there I just wanted to share the pictures of the Russian Pirogi making with my neighbor and her Mum. It was so much fun at noon she made the dough, then after it rose we made the perogi's. The instructions are from the Russian yeast packet and really I think her Mum just knows the measurements. So enjoy the snaps LOL

  • 500g of flour
  • 45g sugar
  • 6 g of yeast
  • 9g salt
  • one cup milk
  • 1/4 pack of butter
  1. melt the butter on the stove then mix all the above ingredients into a dough cover and let it rise 3 times and press down for about 3 hours
  2. then stuff with desired ingredients and bake
So Jasmine and I returned 3 hours later, with egg curry and Madeleines I wanted to take my favorite foods for them to try!

She then rolled out the dough and stuffed them with apple slices, cinnamon and sugar and baked it for 25 min at 350 degrees.

They can be filled with meat, veggies basically anything.

She also made a soup, with pork and cabbage Jasmine scoffed it! called Shee soup (sorry don't know spelling)

making the dough

Dividing the dough

Making the pirogis

Here they are yummy, and so good with a cup of tea!

If you have a neighbor from a different country and Mum is visiting invite yourself over like I did, it was such a treat to watch her make them and she enjoyed sharing her Recipes with us!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. It is on my list to learn how to make. What fun neighbors!! -Tien

  2. Another recipe I was thinking of making with Aaron, if I have time. I am that neighbor :)

  3. they look great! what a fun thing to do with your neighbor :) Happy Monday!

  4. Mmm. These do look wonderful! How nice that you can get together with neighbors for food and fun.

  5. Yum, pirozhki with apple filling are my favorite!

  6. I've heard of pirogi before, but have never made them. It sounds fun -- especially if there's a group of fun people in the kitchen!

  7. Yum! Everybody loves pirogi's!

  8. I don't know about them....they look great!

  9. Thank you Rebbecca for sharing this recipe.

  10. Very interesting. She seems to have an assemble line going and not much mess?

  11. nice - neighbors like this are hard to come by in NYC.

  12. I've never tried to make pirogi. How nice that you had somebody to show you how. I love cooking with friends.

  13. Looks fantastic! I've never made my own perogi, so thanks for the tutorial!

  14. What a great idea! to call a neighbours mom over :))

  15. Rebecca, awesome recipe! These pirogies look marvelous. Another recipe to add to my "must-make" list, many thanks...

  16. I've never tried these, they look so good!

  17. hi! in poland we call it pierogi and it's one of our more representative dishes! i love it!|
    i still didn't deliver you my guest post... so sory... i'm busy lately but will do my best to cook and take pictures for you this weekend...

  18. Mom on the Run: thanks
    Tien: it was great
    chef E: wish you were my neighbor
    Claire:oh the same to you lol
    Jenn: oh yep they say its also Russian st food
    the Ungourmet: cool right
    5 star foodie oh and your an expert LOL
    kellypea: its was fun lol
    Stacy: smiles
    Angie: smiles
    Mari; no problem
    Foodie with little thyme: I know right and she made them so fast no not much mess lol
    doggybloggy: move to NC!!!
    Cathy: we were lucky for sure
    Gina: my pleasure
    Zurin: i know right
    George: smiles
    Natashya oh there were all gone now
    Justyna: oh thats cool, I was telling them that they didn't know! no probs take your time love Rebecca

  19. Delicious - I have only known savory pirogis. What a wonderful winter thing to do - all in the kitchen concocting pirogis for all!

  20. have got great neighbors..Pirogi looks yummilicious :-)

  21. Lol I thought I was the only one who invited myslef to join other families in cooking. You learn so much from aunties and grandmothers.
    I have only had savory pirogi, these apple ones look pretty tasty.

  22. What a fun time! And how scrumptious!

  23. I wish I had a neighbor from another country...what a lucky find. They look so buttery and good!

  24. Claudia: oh it is a perfect way to spend an afternoon
    Gulmohar: thats whats cool about a city like Winston
    Mimi: oh Grandmas are the best for sure
    Reeni: smiles
    Katherine: i am lucky

  25. These look super delicious and like so much fun to make!

  26. How great Rebecca! To meet others and learn from their mum's! Wonderful idea :D

  27. Isn't that great that you are learning from your neighbours. Looks like fun with a great result.

  28. What fun to learn a traditional recipe from an expert! They look delicious!

  29. Good idea, we have such a diverse city here in Florida. I did eat some perogi's that a parent made for my daughter's school Christmas party. We were all supposed to bring a dish our family always made or an internationl dish where you were from.

    Thanks for sharing!

  30. Yum, the pirogis look soo good! Can I come over for tea? I think it is so neat that your neighbor invited you over to make pirogis with her and her mother.

  31. Yummy....they look wonderful. Are the worth the making???

  32. Thas so cute Rebecca...! I love they were delicious !


  33. They look just beautiful - oh I wish I had a neighbor like yours!!!

  34. Yum! They look wonderful! My friend made pirogis for Christmas and said her aunt's dough is Polish and all sour cream and flour. I can't wait to try this recipe and that one too! Great post.

  35. Joanne: oh it was cool
    Diana: wish I could invite myself over to your place he he
    Janice: smiles
    Deb: yep couldn't miss the chance!
    Lyndsey: oh thats a cool idea for a party
    Emily: i know sweet people, come on over!
    sweet and savory: sure they are lol
    teresa: thanks
    Natalie: oh they were good
    Renata: you can be that neighbor lol
    Peggy: thanks so much

  36. Interesting. Your recipes call for yeast - noneof my Polish recipes use yeast - there is no rising .... I love the Polish pierogi - and these look so delicious as well.


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