Gnocchi with Spicy Shrimp and Spinach

I made this dish a while back I am getting a wee bit behind as I cook so much!, but this one is a great recipe to share. It was easy to make, healthy and scrumptious

  • one pack of small potato gnocchi
  • one pack or bunch of spinach
  • one small bowl of wild caught shrimp
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 red onion chopped finely
  • 4 tomatoes
  • some Italian herbs
  • a pinch of red chili flakes

  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil for 3 minutes
  2. then add the herbs, chili flakes and tomatoes and slowly simmer for 10 minutes until it reduces down to a paste.
  3. add the shrimp and spinach and simmer with a lid.
  4. in the meantime cook the gnocchi then mix, that's it a healthy meal in no time!
In fact I plan to make this again this week, we all enjoyed it.

What's on your dinner plans this week?


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  1. Ha I love it, my hubby just ask me to make gnocchi when he returns this week! Yours looks great, and gnocchi is not that hard from scratch, you will have to give it a go! I bet Jasmine loved this dish!

  2. What a delicious combo! Some of my favorite things! I don't plan too far ahead - I cook whatever I have a taste for.

  3. Delicious! I am not a great fan of gnocchi but I like the combo of flavors and the speediness!

  4. I love shrimp and gnocchi but have never would have thought to put together. Great dish!

  5. This looks like quite a hearty and savory dish!

  6. Wow, I thought gnocci was a pasta! I saw some at World Market this weekend; I may have to pick some up!

  7. Love the gnocchi. Great combination of flavors. My mother used to prepare a similar dish using escarole instead of spinach.

  8. For definition I adore gnocchi and much more with spicy shrimp! Yum yum :)

    Have a great week,


  9. Chef E: oh I should try making it do you have a post on it to help?
    Reeni: oh thats cool
    tasteofbeirut: smiles maybe this dish will convert you!
    mom on the run: thanks
    fresh local and best: thanks
    Mireya: oh u will love it and so soft
    Gera: oh you to thanks

  10. Beautiful gnocchi! And look at that bowl, it's so beautiful too!

  11. Lovely dish! We will try this once we are back to eating carb at night :)

  12. Nice combination! I love spicy stuff!

  13. Oh this looks incredibly delicious!

  14. This looks delicious, havent' tried gnocchi before! What is it, may I ask?

  15. Great and easy dish. I never had this combination before and I love, love gnocchi.

  16. Mmmmm...I need to make me some gnocchi once again. It's been a while. Love the combination of the shrimp and spinach. ;-D

  17. This sounds so yummy! Im going to try and go low carb this week. Dont know how long I will last though. Maybe I will have this without the gnocchi lol

  18. Looks lovely, a combination I am going to try.

  19. Always meant to make gnocchi, I like this oriental spin on an Italian recipe.

  20. I would like to make this, looks so healthu...will check at the Markets Place whether I can get gnocchi.

  21. That looks so wholesome...Id like to try this!:)

  22. This looks wonderful. So glad to see that you used wild shrimp.

  23. Loely, healthy one-dish meal! Perfect for my weeknight dinner. :)

  24. Something new to me ,sounds good

  25. Oh lovely. I think my dinner plays include this! Deliciouos!

  26. Looks very good. I love gnocchi. I once worked at a restaurant where it was on the menu with pesto sauce and the look of the dish freaked people out. I started to forewarn people that it will look a little gross, but it will taste so good.

  27. Carrie: thanks
    Kenny t: thanks so much
    3 hungry tummies: smiles portion control is the key lol
    Pete: thanks and thanks for stopping by
    cookbookapprentice: thanks
    Cheah like a potato pasta u will love it
    Divina: oh it was a great combo
    Jenn: i should learn how to make it as well lol
    Ruth: portion control my dear!
    Luigi: oh thanks means alot from you LOL
    Sarah: thanks but I think Italians use chili pepper Luigi does on his blog
    Anncoo: oh cool hope you like it lol
    Zurin: heres a bowl for u!
    Sam: oh I think it tastes so much better
    Ju: oh thats great love easy one pot meals as well
    Vrinda: i think you see a lot of new things here LOL
    Claudia: smiles
    Melinda: oh would be good with pesto

  28. this looks fantastic, i love gnocchi!

  29. Yum! I love gnocchi and they sound so good with spicy shrimp!

  30. gnocchi and shrimp what a fantastic combo. looks like a great dinner! i had pumpkin anglioti with a brown butter sage sauce for dinner...don't have the rest of the week planned yet.

  31. I love love love gnocchi. It has the best texture! Plus you added such delicious things to it to make it that much more delicious. What a great dish.

  32. Hmm ... I've not tried making gnocchi. Will do so when time permits. Thanks for sharing & inspiring me!


  33. Love gnocchi.....had some with a fennel soup last weekend!!!!! Kiss to J

  34. excellent dish here are a couple links for gnocchi

  35. I love gnocchi! Great combo of flavors!

  36. Teresa: thanks
    5 star foodie thanks so much
    trendsetters thanks
    letmeeat cake with me: oh sounds great
    Joanne: oh thanks try it out sometime
    Pei Lin: oh its lovely hope you can
    Ozoz: oh that sounds good will pass the kiss along!
    DoggyBloggy: thanks so much for the links will check them out
    stacy: thanks

  37. This sound wonderful. Great combo!!

  38. Simple and perfect, love this! I had a bunch of shrimp tonight, the gnocchi would have made it even better!

  39. This looks like the perfect comfort dish--hearty and good!

  40. Kathleen: thanks so much
    Marla: oh thanks
    hummingbird appetite: lol
    Deb: thanks

  41. Love gnocchi and this combination looks tasty.

  42. oh i could really do with some of this gnocchi. Looks very delicious and comforting!! Perfect for one of those days...which I'm having right now. x


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