My First Loaf of Bread!!

So I joined my first cooking group HBinFive lead by Michelle of Big Black Dogs, we have to cook one of the recipes from The Heathy Bread in Five Minutes a Day its a great book written by a Dr. and a pastry chef, and so far so good, I made the master recipe and it worked!
Because its a copyrighted book I am unable to share the recipe sorry....

Since I started blogging I have had so many kitchen firsts, its been so much fun, what are your firsts?

Mixing the dry ingredients, yeast, wholewheat flour, all purpose flour, salt, wheat gluten, and lukewarm water with a bread whisk, now this thing is cool, got it from King Arthur website. Jasmine wouldn't give it back to me today!
After leaving the dough for a few hours look how it rises!, you then put in fridge, and take a little bit for every loaf of bread
let it rest for 90 minutes
and bake baby!

oh this was a proud moment, it was delicious and healthy and RD approved!, but we finished the little loaf in one evening, I am now on number 3! so we need to learn portion control!

I think we were supposed to make 2 breads and crackers, but for me this is a good start. Follow the link to Big Black Dogs to see what everyone else made........



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  1. wow!! I'm so impressed, it looks amazing!

  2. WOW and WOW! First time baking on a stone really worked out well! Gorgeous loaf of bread! You should be very proud!

  3. Baking a loaf of bread without using a bread machine is one first I have yet to achieve. But it's on the list for 2010! This looks delicious.

  4. Love them - actually shot a video with them and it's on their / my web site with the ingredients (you can embed through YouTube ). Has totally revolutionzed how I make bead!

  5. Fantastic. Welcome to bread baking club. I love making them by hand. Somehow I find it theraputic.

  6. That looks incredible. Congratulations on your first baked bread. I haven't baked in such a long time.

  7. Congratulations on your first loaf of bread! It looks perfect on coffee I have been trying for a long time to bake my own bread but it was all unsuccessful. I hope one of these days, I would be able to copy your loaf of bread. Kudos to you!

  8. Salute to you Rebecca! So impressed for your first loaf of bread. Good Job ;)

  9. You sure can be proud of yourself, dear, that's a wonderfully looking loaf of bread. Excellent!

  10. Looks lovely. I want to master making bread this year. Well done on another first!

  11. Hooray for homemade bread! Congrats too on your first one....looks perfect! You don't have to buy bread any more :)

  12. Congratulations on your fist loaf! Beautifully done.

  13. Congrats on your first home made bread...they have turned out soo perfect.

  14. Your first loaf of bread.. not fair that it looks so perfect!

  15. I just have to get around to making my own bread. Yours looks so tasty! I have made a coffee cake with yeast but not much else. I need to not feel so intimidated by it!!!

  16. Congratulations on the bread. It looks great!

  17. Bravo! well done, Rebecca! The bread looks very beautiful. I'm so happy for you. Guess, you going to make more.... Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers!

  18. There nothing better than the smell of homemade bread. -Tien :)

  19. Your bread looks so good and has such a nice rise to it!! Great job.

  20. Wow congrats!looks awesome:D Sorry havent checked in for a while :) ,i made my first bread recently too after i started blogging, I think you get inspired seeing what every one else is making :).

  21. The first loaf is so successful! You have a talent!

  22. Move over Sara Lee.... Rebecca, this loaf looks absolutely delicious! Crusty crust, soft warm texture... great with soups, sandwiches or just a slice with butter.

    Great job...

  23. Congrats on your first loaf! It looks so easy! I think I was really excited the first time I made my first homemade dinner of real food for myself back in college and was surprised it tasted so good. =)

  24. YAY!!!! It's such a rewarding feeling isn't it? You will never enjoy bread more than when you make it yourself.

  25. thank you everyone for your sweet comments it means so much to me,

    love and hugs Rebecca

  26. Congrats on your first bread! I warn you that this is a slippery slope though...once you go homemade it is basically impossible to go back. Looks delicious!

  27. This is one I will definitely be making. I love fresh baked bread. Yum!

  28. Your bread looks beautiful, congratulations! And your comment about portion control is so true . . .

  29. If you're like me, your first will not be your last!! There is nothing like the smell and taste of fresh-baked bread.

  30. that looks amazing!! congrats on ur first :))

  31. Coongrats on a first! I gave away my bread machine a year ago and never looked back. This is scrumptious.

  32. Congratulations! It ooks delicious. Great job!

  33. Once you have success at bread making, your hooked for life, nothing compares to a home made loaf. Congrats on your first many.

  34. MMMmmm looks great! I need to invest in a baking stone, your loaf of bread came out beautifully :)

  35. OK, I'm convinced - I just requested the book from the library. I LOVE homemade bread - even from a bread machine! Have a good weekend ~ ♥

  36. Looks like you a nice rise and some good crumb.

  37. Rebecca that's very impressive! Bread is on my list of things to learn not to be afraid of this year and you have inspired me to try. Hmmm.. perhaps I should join the challenge....

  38. Your bread looks wonderful! I have yet to bake a loaf of bread, maybe I'll be brave enough soon :)

  39. Mardi: come join us and wow thanks so much everyone your an awesome group of people

    lol Rebecca

  40. now thats a job well done - imagine when you get good at it if this is how you are!

  41. That's a great start! Here's a nice pat on the back! That bread whisk looks like something I need too :)

  42. great job! i'm already enjoying this club a lot!

  43. Okay, now I need to do this!! If you are not a baker and can do this your first time, I so need to join in on this! Beautiful loaf!! Well done!!

  44. Congratulations! You did a great job!

  45. Look at your bread! Very impressive! Great job and congrats on joining your first group. ;-)

  46. Wow, your first loaf looks very professional!

  47. I've never baked bread without a bread maker, must do so this year, resolution for 2010!

  48. ...and job well done indeed! Congtartulations on your first loaf. It's beautiful. It's been fun seeing everyone's bread.
    Have a great weekend. :)

  49. WOW! i wish MY first loaf looked that good!

  50. thank you everyone for your kind words I am making my way round to all your lovely blogs

    Much Love Rebecca

  51. yeah!! congrats on your first! it looks great! And ya....I need to figure out that portion control thing too LOL

  52. Cool Rebecca, I remember my first attempt at bread, and how I thought it was so time consuming, but a tasty reward!

  53. I have the king arthur dough thingie...and the bread looks FAB.

    Good on you. I do love their bread recipes....

  54. Your first attempt is absolutely fantastic - can't wait to see what else you bake. I ordered a dough whisk = can't wait for it to get here.

  55. Look great Rebecca!! I'm so excited as I just made my first successful loaf of bread two days ago! It rose and was delicious :D Now, I feel like I can join in on the HBin5!


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