Smoked Trout Fried Rice

The other day I added smoked trout to pasta and with the other piece of fish I made a fried rice, this was surprisingly good and again hubby and Jasmine loved it. The Fish was wonderful with the soy and fish sauce added.

1 cup of cooked rice
one smoked trout
some frozen veggies
1/4 zucchini and 1/2 squash
1 tablespoon of fish sauce
5 cloves of garlic
salt to taste
1/2 onion
2 tablespoon soy sauce
one teaspoon ginger/garlic paste

1. simple stir fry the onion, garlic, ginger/garlic paste, squash and veggies, crumble in the fish
2. then add in the cooked rice little by little adding the fish sauce, and soy sauce to taste

Have a great weekend hugs


  1. I haven't tried using smoked trout in stir-frying rice yet and I would love it too, as I like stir-fried rice, seafood all in a dish.

  2. Hi Rebecca:

    I think I'll try this with the smoked salmon I have currently in my fridge.

    Thanks and Happy NY

  3. Fish is one thing I haven't tried mixing into fried rice. I do love the idea though. I'll have to do that the next time I make some.

  4. I always love fried rice but have never tried with smoked trout yet. Would be a good one to try soon. Thanks for sharing.

  5. That looks great, I can almost taste that smoked trout. Reminds me of kedgeree.

  6. The rice must be super tasty with the smoked trout! Great idea! Happy 2010!

  7. I love fried rice!That is a great idea.

  8. Angie: it was a great combo hope you like it LOL
    Lobster sandwich: oh it would be great with salmon I just got it to make it like that next time!
    Jenn: thanks lol
    Mary: hope you like it lol
    Janice:yep lol
    fresh local and best: thanks
    pigpigscorner; thanks happy new yr
    Erica; thanks

  9. This is something different. We usually make fried rice but I have never tried it..

  10. Thanks for all your visits to my blog.Really looking forward to reading your posts in 2010

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This looks really good with smoked trout. I love making fried rice (it's a great way to use things up in the fridge). The other suggestions sound good too!

  13. I LOVE Fried Rice and actually prefer homemade to restaurant bought. I have never thought to add fish. It must taste so yummy :)

  14. This dish looks delicious. Thanks for visiting today. Happy New Year, Rebecca. I hope that many more opportunities come true for you this year. You deserve it. -Tien :)

  15. I love smoked salty and delicious. It sounds perfect mixed with the fried rice.

  16. Love smoked trout - will try this - I am never adventurous with stir fry - really boring.

  17. Jhonny: thanks
    peachkins: oh its my invention he he
    Saucy: thanks my pleasure
    Lyndsey: oh so true great for using stuff up lol
    mom on the run: smiles
    Tien: oh your lovely thanks so much
    Joanne: thanks
    Claudia; go on give it a try lol

  18. Looks fantastic, Rebecca. Never seen a Smoke Trout Fried Rice before! The great thing about fried rice is that just about any leftover can be thrown into it and it works amazingly well. But, this sounds much better than "Leftovers Fried Rice". ;)


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