Viji's Cod Curry

So we arrived at my dear sis in laws house after an exhausting flight and drive, and she made this lovely coconut cod curry, heres the recipe!

  • olive oil
  • 2 pinch of cumin seeds
  • 3 dried red chilis
  • 6 tomatoes
  • Cod or any white fish cut into chunks
  • on teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1/4 spoon cumin powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
  • pinch of turmericBold
  • fresh cilantro
  • 1/2 can coconut milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  1. add tomatoes to hot water for one minute then peel the skin
  2. cut the tomato into small pieces
  3. heat the oil and add cumin seeds, dried red chili for a minute
  4. then add tomato and saute for 5 minutes let it reduce down into a paste
  5. then add the fish chunks and spices along with the lemon juice and simmer for 10- 12 minutes, then add the coconut milk and simmer another 5 minutes
  6. garnish with fresh cilantro over rice
It also lends very well to being a tomato bisque minus the coconut milk with a crusty bread.

Seeing my Grand parents tomorrow can't wait !!


  1. Hi Rebecca!
    I stumbled upon your blog. I am so thrilled as I love recipes, and this appears to be quite wonderful. Love seafood. Especially my youngest grown son. I am always looking for recipes to pass to his wife.

    I have signed up to follow your blog. I cannot wait to see what you share next. I will stop over after we try this recipe out and let you know what we think. I thank you for sharing.

    Please stop over and say hi. I would be so honored to have you follow my blog as well. Country hugs, Sherry

  2. I am salivating over this curry! The flavors sounds wonderful.

  3. Hi Rebecca,
    Looks so delicious!Glad had a safe trip :)

  4. Wow Rebecca a gorgeous curry!
    Totally mouthwatering :)

    Have a great trip!



  5. That's cool to have a lovely comfort food like this after a long haul flight. Have a great trip and looking forward to hearing more from you in UK.

  6. What a lovely curry. Have fun with your family.

  7. What a lovely meal to arrive to. I'm glad your flight went well. Stay safe.

  8. Oh I know how hard those LONG flights with the little one's are Rebecca...! Glad you had that LOVELY LOVELY coconut cod curry to welcome you...looks AMAZING! Have TONS of fun... and Take Care....

  9. So glad you had a safe flight! Enjoy every moment of your special visit!


  10. Lovely Blog, had to check it out, of course. Love the curry. Always nice to see other recipes and then actually try them out. I guess I am a little bit of a curry, travel, wine...oh, ohhhhh loads of addictions here.I will pop in from time to time, checking out new recipes, cheers!

  11. I would have never thought to put cod in curry but this sounds fantastic! What a great way to start off your trip.

  12. It's great you have such a sweet sis-in-law to take care of you! Food sounds fab. Hope you're having a wonderful time!!

  13. How fun for you to be back home!!! Enjoy!

  14. Yum! Cod curry sounds fantastic!

  15. Country Wings in Phoenix: oh so happy you like my blog will check out yours as well lol Rebecca
    Cookin Canuck: oh will tell her lol
    Erica: thanks
    Superchef: thanks
    Gera: will tell viji
    Kenny thanks so much
    peachkins: oh me too
    Sam: thanks so much
    Jenn: i have a lovely family lol
    fresh local and best: thanks lol
    Nat: oh you understand with two lil ones
    Carrie: thanks so much
    country gourmet traveler: oh thanks for stopping by lots of curries on here
    Joanne: oh the fish worked very well in curry'
    Tasty Trix: yep lucky
    Sophie: thanks oh I am a mac girl as well!!
    Melinda: thanks
    Mardi: oh it is lol
    5 star foodie thanks so much

  16. Glad you had a good trip, if exhausting. I did think you had been a little bit quieter, no wonder. Have fun with your family.

  17. Lovely recipe! I must try this.

  18. I love that you love coconut milk! It's a favorite ingredient if you couldn't tell from all my comments! Yummm!!

  19. Janice: oh thanks so much !
    Nancy: oh thanks will tell her
    Nicole oh this is a good one

  20. This sounds delicious! Glad you all made it there safe and sound! Have fun!

  21. Oh, your sis-in-law stay at London. Great! I'm sure you'e going to have lots of fun there lol. Enjoy!!!

  22. Oh lovely curry Rebecca! So does your sister in law live in the UK as well. That must be wonderful to have two sides of the family to visit! What a blessed time for Jasmine!!


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