
We took the Eurostar to Paris this morning so cool to get on a train go under the British Channel and be in Paris in 2 hours!, love it.

We are staying near the Sacre-Coeur, on a lovely quiet street surrounded by bakeries, cheese shops and restaurants foodie heaven but its not cheap eek!

Here are some snaps of a bakery we had coffee and cake in and this guy was doing amazing tricks with a football at the Sacre Coeur and even climbed the lamp post and was spinning the ball!

Paris street entertainment!

Love from Paris!!!


  1. I am so jealous! I wish I could be in Paris right now. I was lucky enough to be able to study abroad in Italy and the experience is so amazing!

  2. RE swankyrd above:

    I'm so jealous too!

  3. I've always wanted to go to Paris. At least I can visit through your posts. :P

  4. Oh!!!! I am super duper jealous! I was there around this time last year... I you want places to eat (the ones we loved) let me know and I could email you ! even though I'm sure you've made your own list!

    Enjoy!! and take lots of pics =)

  5. How lovely! I want to go to Paris. I took French for 5 years and would love a chance to actually practice :)

  6. Oh my....I have not traveled much but my husband and I went to Paris after the son was one years old....just the two of us..for a glorious ten days. I soaked in the sights....sketching building cornices and statues....sitting on old chipped benches with local old men who smoked and smiled and gossiped. Visiting bakeries and leaving with paper wrapped goodies to eat in the hotel room while I gazed out the window at life in the street market below...sigh....enjoy!

  7. You have a very beautiful family. I bet your little angel had fun in that train..

  8. Bienvenue!!
    And visit my blog, I have a French Cheese Knife giveaway! If you win, you could go back home with a cheese knife (in the suitcase not in the cabin)!

  9. SwankyRD oh love Italy thats a cool experience:
    Kenny: you and you lover need to visit the city of love!
    Reeni: thanks so much
    Screamin mama: i better make them fun then LOL
    and this blog oh thanks so much will email you
    Meredith: oh thats great you speak French you must plan a trip the French would love you for it
    Trish: oh I can tell your a writer love ya
    Peachkins: oh she seems to love trains

  10. OMG, just look at those bread! I can see you & your family having lots of fun there! Bonjour to you too!

  11. Oh so cool! And since when is the Eurostar from London only 2 hours? I took it once and it was 3! Wow, I guess I should go more often. Can't wait to meet you!!!!

  12. haha, sounds like Jasmine liked it too! Was that her "wow"? :) That was very neat. Glad to see you're having a great time in Paris!

  13. I love Paris!!! It is my favorite place on earth to be! Make sure you get some chocolate from Maison du Chocolat and macaroons from Laudree!
    Go to E. Dehillerin and look at all the fab cookware!!!

  14. Jamie um we left London at 10.30 am reached Paris at 1.30 pm and Paris is one hr ahead so not bad at all lol
    my little space: Bonjour lol
    Barbara; oh come on over!
    Gina: smiles

  15. Sarah: oh thanks so much for the tips lol

  16. Enjoy Paris, I love it in February. If you plan on going to the Eiffel tower, aim to go at nightfall and take the Metro to the Trocadero...then walkk on the square overlooking the Eiffel tower...the view is stunning. Enjoy yourself. See if you can find some tasty macaroons too :-)

  17. Awesome! I can't wait to go to Paris!

  18. How fun! Can't believe that this time in about a month I will be back in my beloved Paris too!!!

  19. I haven't been to Paris since I was 14, but it doesn't look like it has changed much. Enjoy!

  20. What a happy,lovely post. Enjoy every second and soak it all up.

  21. Kitchen Butterfly: great tip we did this when we were dating oh memories!
    5 star foodie : u would love it
    Mardi: so happy for you
    Janice: thats a good thing keeps its charm!
    Claudia thanks so much

  22. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Did you try the tiny Mont Blancs at Angelina? Those are to die for. ;)

  23. Murasaka no i didn't maybe next time thanks for letting me know

  24. Oh how great that you are in Paris!!! So completely jealous right now! I want to be in Europe, lol!!

  25. It's so nice to just hop on a train and be somewhere glamorous!

  26. Diana: i hope you get to soon
    Hummingbird cool right


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